Devotion to the Holy Trinity
For a long time I tried to honor and love the Holy Trinity from noon to 2:00pm. I wanted to fathom its mystery. Now this devotion seems quite simple to me, it speaks to the heart. There are persons in it which one must consider separately.
The Father is my Creator, the author and conserver of life. I owe Him everything. He is much more my father than the one which the family gave me. I want to love Him with all my heart, with simplicity, even with familiarity: I trust in His providence, in His mercy.
The Word, Son of God, first born, is my elder brother, my big brother, and how loving, how devoted! He made Himself man to be even more intimately my brother, to save me from shipwreck, to suffer and die for me. I love my big brother; I want to listen to Him, to follow Him, to imitate Him, I want to live with Him forever.
The Holy Spirit is my divine Director. I have always loved my directors; how much more must I love the Holy Spirit, of which they are only the shadow. I want to consult it always with filial devotion and follow its counsel (1916 - XL, 80-82).
I savor the devotion to the Holy Trinity more and more.
God the Father is my Father and my Creator. He is my Father more than the one I had on earth, I owe Him everything: my being and my life. I love Him extremely and with great filial devotion, I long for His glory and His Kingdom. The Son of God has become my brother through the incarnation. He gave His life for me, He comes to me in the Eucharist. I love Him without measure, I lean ceaselessly on His shoulder like St. John, I want to live with Him and love Him always more and more. The Holy Spirit is my director, my guide, the soul of my soul and like a mother for me. I want to live with it, listen to it in everything and show myself its loving and faithful disciple. The Gloria Patri and the Credo are homages to the Trinity (1925 - XLV, 16).
The Great Mass of Heaven
My prayer, this is what it is in this last period of my life. I salute the Holy Trinity, my Father and Creator; the Word of God become my brother and my Redeemer; the Holy Spirit become my guide and my consolation.
I assist at the great perpetual Mass of Heaven: Jesus offering Himself to His Father, the sacrificial Lamb since the beginning; the Heart of Jesus, victim of love for the glory of God and the salvation of men.
Every Mass has its Communicants, I unite myself with the seven privileged angels, to all the heavenly host; to the 24 old sages, the partrarchs and the prophets, to the four evangelists, to the apostles.
I unite myself with the friends of Jesus: His friends in Bethlehem... I unite myself to the martyrs, to the doctors...
I unite myself to all the founders, to the saints of the Sacred Heart... to Gertrude, our Fathers and our Sisters...
The Mass has its intentions: I pray for the Church and its great current needs for union and the return of the heretics and the schismatics, for the missions. I pray for France and the Christian nations, for the Work: our Sisters, our Brethren, our children, the work of Rome. I pray for my parents and friends, for myself. I pray for the dead, with Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I make a great tour of purgatory.
After this union with the great Mass of heaven, I hail Jesus the Savior: in the mysteries of His childhood with His friends in Bethlehem, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the kings, Ann, Simeon, etc; in the mysteries of His public life with the apostles, with the disciples; in the mysteries of His passion and of His death with Mary, John and Mary Magdalene...
I hail Mary with St. Gabriel and St. John, I hail her in all her mysteries.
I hail St. Joseph through Jesus and Mary, and I ask him to come and help me at the hour of my death.
I hail the holy angels, my patrons and all my friends of heaven, where I have so many relations and friends: my mother, my directors, my guardian saints, brethren, co-disciples... I must not forget Sister Marie of Jesus who offered her life for me...
Such is the basis of my prayer, with daily variations...
I think constantly of heaven, I live with my guardians and my friends from up there, I burn to see them soon: Cupio dissolvi et esse cum Christo (cf. Phil, 1:23).
Could that be illusion and could I be without my heaven? I do not think so. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you.
I unite myself with the great penitents: Adam, David, Peter, Paul, Madeleine, Augustine. Their reparations were super-abundant; in uniting myself to them, I will more easily obtain mercy, I have done so many foolish things in my life.
I buy newspapers for the community, it seems to me a good thing that one should be current with contemporary history and that one should have some subject of conversation. One prays better for the Church when one reads of the assaults which it has to suffer every day and the valiant efforts which the Catholics make to rally themselves (1925 - XLV, 11-17).
The Two "Communicants"
I am the smallest and the most worthless of founders, nevertheless I feel the need to unite myself with all those founders. Their names come into my prayers: Benoît, Bernard... Mother Veronica, Mary of the Sacred Heart, etc.
These great souls had a grandiose aspiration: to gain the world, to conquer the world for Jesus Christ. They prayed, suffered and worked for that...
I unite myself daily to all these souls. I would like to raise my aspiration to the height of theirs. I love Our Lord ardently and I would like to obtain the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart...
I have yet other communicants, they are my first brethren, they are my most devoted aides for the work of the Sacred Heart. There were twelve of them, like the apostles.
I unite myself also everyday with the Saints of the Sacred Heart: Gertrude, Mechtilde, Margaret Mary, Fr. de la Colombière, etc., and the hundred members of our congregation who are dead, and those from among our sisters as well.
My aspiration was theirs, we have worked for the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart (1925- XLV, 11-14).