The Community of Bethania
We must be like Bethania's friends, with whom Jesus used to rest (Father Dehon).
The Bethania's community was founded on Mach 14, 1995. It is a non-profit Philanthropic Entity. It has been declared a Municipal Public Utility, located at Rua (Street) Pe. Gattone, 112 - 88350-000 - Brusque, SC, county of Brusque, SC.
Following what our Statute foresees the community welcomes addicted youth, alcoholics, neglected minors and those who have HIV virus. There is no age limit. We welcome those who adapt to the conditions that we offer.
Besides a place to live, we offer free food, basic hygiene and health care. All of the benefits offered by Bethania are free, including everyone's work. We don't have any contracted employees.
Those responsible for the daily attendance are the consecrated ones, who live in Bethania voluntarily, and are not paid employees.
Those whose families can help financially make monthly donations to our community bank account.
Problems and challenges that motivate us are:
- The large number of addicted youth in our area.
- The increasing number of people infected by the HIV virus, most directly related to drugs.
- The large number of single teenagers who get pregnant and are neglected by their partners and parents.
- The increasing number of neglected minors on the city's periphery.
- The necessity of a serious involvement in helping the needy in society, seeking social change.
- Listening and working with many youth who seek solutions for their drug problems, increased within us a deep desire to create the Recanto Bethania (place of concealment). Bethania was created as a serious and effective solution for those with serious problems.
Why Bethania as a name?
According to the Christian tradition, based on the Sacred Deed, in Bethania lived Jesus' best friends: Lázaro, Marta e Mary (Lc 10,38; Jo 11,1sqq). It was the Recanto of Jesus, the place where they could find rest, peace of mind, kindness and a deep and truthful friendship. Bethania is the place that knew how to welcome Jesus. We also welcome Christ who comes to us through each of these our brothers who are considered criminals or those who are oppressed.
We see Jesus Christ in each and every person including addicted youth, teenage, prostitutes, etc., and those who are sick and have lost the will to live. We try to set a good example of life, like Jesus, for all those who have lost the will to live.
Recanto Bethania
Our land is about 75.000 sqm. Currently, we have built 5 houses: one house to shelter teenage girls (16 teenage girls), another to shelter teenage boys (32 teenage boys), one for consecrated couples, one for general jobs and the public dining-hall. We also have one small zoo with cows, sheep, rabbits, dogs, chickens, ducks, teals, monkeys and a variety of birds, plus a lagoon with more than 8 thousand fish. This year we also inaugurated a Recanto in Curitiba, living there currently are 4 teenage girls and 7 teenage boys.
Life at the recanto is very simple. We get up at 7:00 A.M. and then we have the Morning Prayer and breakfast. After that, we have a long period reserved for work. At 12:00 PM we have a prayer and lunch. From 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM we work outside, after which we have sports and prayer. At 7:00 PM we have dinner, followed by a group meeting discussing a better way of life. At 10:00 P.M. comes a well-deserved rest.
Three attitudes are fundamental to our divine grace:
1. to welcome all with a smile;
2. like Jesus, we never waste time with controversies;
3. we never go to bed without hugging each other.
One of the most important ways to recuperate from addiction is to work seriously and methodically. The fundamental process of drug liberation is to work. To learn how to work hard with a good attitude is a signal of maturity and a good indication of personal growth. In particular, it shows spiritual growth. In the drug culture we learn how to cheat and steal. At Bethania we see work as a sacred privilege. It is an inheritance granted by God to be creative and productive. Through work we create dignity and self-esteem. Because of that our community has established two great moments of work.
Therapy in Groups
For better personal attendance by each of our sons, the community is divided into groups of Work and Living (Experiences of Living). Each group has a consecrated person responsible for it. It is the responsibility of the consecrated to promote periodic meetings to evaluate the members of his/her group, as well as to reserve a daily time of at least 15 minutes for personal dialogue with each one of them.
Our sons
At Bethania we seek to treat those who live with us as real sons and not as interned patients. Our divine grace is to welcome each person not only for recovery. The recovery is a process of and a result of the welcome. There is no fixed time period at the Recanto. God's benevolence, personal effort, the level of intoxication and the adaptability to a new life style cannot be measured and can not be limited to a previously determined time. The general length of stay can vary from 6 to 12 months.
How we survive?
Since our community was created we have had a good number of benefactors who follow us with their prayers and donations. We don't have any ties with public or political power and we never charge a fee. We live from God's foresight. Monthly, we receive donations from the electric power account. We also promote small charitable parties. All the work that develops at the place of concealment or Recanto is free. We have a good group of doctors and dentists who help us, and also a psychologist and a hairdresser.
Bethania in numbers
We started the project on March 14, 1995. On October 12th of the same year we celebrated the first mass at the Recanto São João Batista. On May 1st 1996, with the inauguration of the first house, we started receiving youth in the Recanto. Since then, 213 teenagers or adults have passed through the Recanto. Of these, 59 are living in one of the two places of concealment; 7 are consecrated youth and 5 will become consecrated on October 12, 1998.
Our recovery rates have increased. Of those who stay with us at least three months, more than 70% leave free of drugs and alcohol. In Brazil, this percentage is very high for those who work with chemically dependent people.
Unfortunately, we cannot care for everybody who applies. Currently, we have a waiting list of 127. These have had a first interview and are waiting for a place in one of the recantos. We are working to expand our capacity.
We know that the difficulties and challenges are many. Nevertheless, as our founder used to say, the person who wants to change society cannot be shy with ideas.