Dehonian Youth in Europe - 1998.

From 3 to 8 of August I was in Foligno (IM) at the meeting of young Dehonians from Europe. About 250 young people were present from Portugal, Spain, France, England, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Albania (I) and Italy. During the meeting there was an air of harmony and respect for one another, especially in the celebrations. Each day a different group was in charge of preparations for the prayers and formation time. The central theme was Saint Spirit.

On the first day the young people from Foligno received with open arms the others groups that had arrived from all over Europe. The presentations of all the members and the happy notes from the songs and dances from many different cultures went well into the night.

The first day's work "Listening day", was the responsility of the French group. Some highlights were the retreat time as well as adoration. The Sacrament was moved from the Chapel to the garden. It was an opportunity to meet, hear and be reconciled with friends. After dinner the warm evening invited everybody to stroll to the sanctuary where the Apostle Paul's words were remembered: "Let yourself be led/guided by the Holy Spirit." ( Gal, 5, 16-26).

The second day's work, "Church day" the group went to Rome in order to listen to the Pope's words in the Hall of Paul VI. The meeting of the successor of Peter and the pilgrims from around the world testified to the unity of the church. At midday everybody gathered at the SCJ Generalate where the young people could learn more about the history and the works of the Congregation. In the evening there was a Celebration in St. John Laterin, Cathedral of Rome, and the place where F. Dehon was ordained. The preparation o the liturgy was in charge of the Polish group.

The Dehonians from Portugal organized the third day's work. "Testimony day". The explanation of the topic despite the diversity of languages was understood by all. A lot of symbols and signs were used. So, it became easier to get the message across. After lunch the group went to visit Assisi where Francis and Clara were born --both gave true testimony to the Gospel. The different Franciscan places invited everyone to understand better Francis's message. At night back in Foligno a lot of groups prepared a celebration with the gifts of the Spirit. Music, songs and performances helped all people to have a rich experience of the Holy Spirit.

The fourth day's work started earlier than usual. The group went to Loretto. It was "Yes day". The young people from Germany were in charge of preparations. Loretto is a Marian shrine very special to Fr. Dehon because it had an important role in the beginning of the SCJ Congregation. It's an opportunity to say "Yes" like the Virgin Mary did. It was also a chance to understand better Fr. Dehon's life. The group also visited Pagliare, Castelluccio and Nursia, the place of San Bento one of the important personages in the history of Europe.

Finally Saturday "Sending day" was the last day's work. The Spanish Dehonians prepared the morning prayer and the last Mass that was celebrated by Fr. Virginio Bressanelli, Superior General of the SCJs. His reflection was about the necessity of entering into the Sacred Heart. This is the experience that Fr. Dehon himself had. So, we are invited to do the same in order to discover which is our mission in the society. After all, here is the place where our vocation grows.

That was what happened in Europe during the meeting. Blessed days where we could feel the vitality of the Fr. Dehon's charism and the wish of many young people to keep his dream alive.

Prepareed by Carlos Luiz Suarez (HI)
English translation by Frater Levi (BM)