1. Brazil 376
2. Italy 368
3. Poland 298
4. Holland 220
5. Indonesia 165
6. Spain 136
7. Portugal 113
8. USA 113
9. Germany 66
10. Belgium 62
11. France 57
12. Congo (Zaire) 54
13. Cameroun 40
14. Madagascar 29
15. Luxembourg 28
16. Great Britain 23
17. Mozambique 21
18. Argentina 16
19. Ireland 14
20. Chile 12
21. Canada 11
22. Venezuela 11
23. Viet Nam 9
24. South Africa 7
25. Moldova 7
26. Croatia 4
27. Zimbabwe 3
28. Ucraine 3
29. India 3
30. Belarus 3
31. Angola 2
32. Austria 2
33. Finland 2
34. Philippines 2
35. Swiss 1
36. Zambia 1
37. Jamaica 1
38. Congo (Brazza) 1
39. Paraguay 1
40. Uruguay 1
41. Russia 1
42. Uganda 1
43. Romania 1
Total 2289
Note: Portuguese is the native language of 512 SCJ (22.41%).