+Joseph Bettendorf (LW) 19/01/98 

Born - né - nacido - nato - geborà: 28/05/23
1st Profession - 1re profession - 1a profesión -1a professione - 1. Gelübde: 24/09/45
Ordained - ordination -ordinación -ordinazione -Priesterweihe 09/07/50
+at -à -in -in -in: Dudelange (LW)

English - Français - Español


Joseph Bettendorf was born at Colmar-Berg in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on May 28, 1923. He did his high school studies at Clairefontaine, and his novitiate at Brugelette where he made his first vows on September 24, 1945. He did his theolgical studies at Louvain and was ordained on July 9, 1950. A year later he went to the Congo where he ministered first at Lowa and then Kisangani until the tragic events of 1964 at which time he returned to Luxemborug. In 1966 he began serving as chaplain at the retreat center and vicar of the parish at Dudelange. He served in these capacitied with great love and dedeication until the time of his death on January 19, 1998.


Né à Colmar-Berg (G.D. de Luxembourg) le 28.05.1923, le P. Joseph Bettendorf a fait ses études secondaires à Clairefontaine, le noviciat à Brugelette, où il a émis les premiers voeux le 24.09.45, et le scolasticat à Louvain. Après son ordination, le 09.07.50, il partit pour le Congo. Entre 1951 et 1994, nous le retrouvons à Lowa et à Kisangani, mais les événements tragiques de 1964 le font rentrer définitivement au Grand-Duché. Depuis 1966 il était aumônier à la maison de retraite e vicaire à la paroisse de Dudelange, un apostolat qu'il a excercé avec amour et dédication jusqu'à sa mort, le 19.01.98.

