27th - Wednesday 29th September 1999)
John Kelly (BI) associate pastor, Dublin
Stephen and James have been asked, and are prepared, to stay at least
for another two years. We need to use this valuable time to prepare therefore
for September 2001:
a) Can we find two SCJs to take over this work from them?
b) If this is not practicable, or beyond the competence of our present
make- up, to see other ways, through collaboration (clerical, religious
or lay).
c) Continuance of this apostolate is a service to the local Church,
to its young members. I am told that the problems facing us in Dehon House
are not unique to ourselves. Many such centres face an aging leadership.
The task before us: can we ensure the future of this worthwhile apostolate,
so that it may continue to serve young people? A work that would seem to
be very much in keeping with our charism.
d) We are all aware of how other religious congregations have sought
to maintain hospitals, nursing homes, schools etc. They have wanted to
ensure that the good being done by these works can be continued, even though
they themselves can only support such works now as trustees, boards of
management. They have tried to at least ensure their ethos, or charism,
continues to enliven and/or sustain the apostolate.
Maybe the time has come for us to adopt new strategies for Dehon House:
1) The appointment of a fully-qualified, properly salaried
Lay Youth Leader (salary - Sacred Heart Fathers' Youth Clubs Fund?).
2) A Sacred Heart Father to be full-time Chaplain to the Youth Work,
groups and youth team.
3) Such a Chaplain to help with the Christian Formation of the young
volunteer workers.
4) Since it is important to safeguard our community life, to ensure
that another SCJ makes up the community either to serve Dehon House in
some other capacity, or work for the Province in some way.
5) That this strategy is to be set in place for the next Chapter, or
to be constantly evaluated to the subsequent Chapter.
How will we bring this about?
i) A clear description of a Vision Statement for the Youth
Work; its ethos.
ii) The job description of Youth Leader:
salary scale;
length of appointment;
evaluation and necessary controls.
iii) The job description of SCJ Chaplain.
iv) The Provincial Team will canvas each member of the Province, asking
them if they would be able/willing to go to Dehon House in 2001:
as Youth Team Leader;
as Chaplain.
v) The Provincial Team will canvas Spain, Poland and Portugal to see if
there are members who are able/willing to help in this apostolate:
a) but we can assume it will take them a year to learn the language;
b) another year to grasp the English reality;
c) so the only long-term advantage if we could get someone for at least
five years.
vi) The Financial Commission to examine and see what financial provisions
the Province can and will need to make for the Youth Work for the next
eight years.
This is a draft document proposing a way forward for the future. It depends
1) Are there SCJ members able/willing to commit themselves
to serve as Chaplain to the Youth Service from 2001 - 2007?
2) Any serious offer may mean that person being free from 2000 to prepare
for this task.
3) Sacred Heart Fathers' Youth Clubs Trust to provide a proper salary
with all the necessary entitlements.
As a draft it is meant to initiate a dialogue which sets realistic goals,
and ones which receive the necessary backing. Whatever we decide will depend
on people being willing and able to serve as Chaplain to the work.
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