Prayer for the Journey of Reconciliation

June 15, 1001 Malpas

We invite you to take a few minutes to pray.

Sit comfortably and be aware of your seat against your back and legs

Notice your breathing and as you breathe out let go of anything which will stop you entering this time of prayer, as you breathe in breathe in the peace of this moment. Stay with this until you are ready to move on.

Prayer for the Journey of Reconciliation

This week in Malpas we begin the "Journey of Reconciliation" (see the News page) a four week international gathering of SCJs. Here is a prayer for it and for all our Journeys to Reconciliation.

So here we are Lord,
from all parts of the world, from 27 to 79, from many different situations and very varied histories.
Here we are together
setting out on a journey through our stories
a journey of re-discovery of you, present in every moment
Present at our best and worst, present in great love and in the depths of lack of love
With us always, as you promised to be.

You call us once more to your Heart, where all our disintegration is healed and transformed
Where new beginnings are made possible
You call us as we are and we respond as we can- and that is all you ask from us.

Help us in these days to support and strengthen one another and to allow ourselves to be supported and strengthened, to be loved.
Help us to hear your words of love echo deep in our hearts, releasing us from judgement and fear to new life.
Help us journey in surprising ways and to unexpected destinations- and to recognise you as Way, Truth and Life.

We travel with our brothers throughout the world, who hold us in prayer and love
We travel with Leo Dehon, in whose spirit of Trust and Offering we gather,
We gather with Peter, the rock, who again and again had to learn and begin again and again- a true patron for our journey.

And we gather, most of all Lord in the power of your love, a light shining in darkness and never overpowered.

This site will change weekly, using different ways of prayer, all of which you can do at your computer. Do let us know what is and isn't helpful.