The French Province (GA) has a new email address: Please note the change. It has also been noted on our links page.For those needing to communicate with Zolile Mpambani (CU) by email while he is in Paris studying French please use the following email address:
Fr. Józef Gawel, provincial of the Polish Province (PO) was admitted to the Oncology Hospital in Warsaw on January 9, 1999. He is undergoing intensive treatment for stomach cancer. Please remember him in your prayers.The North American SCJ web site ( in its section on vocations has begun to publish monthly vocation prayers taken from the 1999 vocation calendar published by the US Province. The site can be accessed here at:
Befana was two days late, but managed to visit the scj community in Rome last Saturday evening. According to Italian custom Befana is the good witch who brings gifts on the feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany is the highlight of the Christmas season in Italy. Due to the 'Roman diaspora' caused by the holidays she was advised not to call until after 20:15 on January 9, 1999 when dishes were done and the community was ready to play tombola (known in the English speaking world as BINGO!).
André Perroux (GA) with Befana
Piet Adam (NE) enjoying tombola
Born July 2, 1929 Ordained March 18, 1958 Consecrated Bishop December 21, 1975 Died January 6, 1999 Bishop Joseph Kureethara of Cochin died on the morning of January 6, 1999 shortly after being taken to the hospital. He was not only instrumental in the scjs going to India in 1994, but was very active in assisting the community in establishing its presence.
Martin van Ooy (IND) sent a fax to Rome on the morning of January 6, 1999 which in part read:
I wish to inform you that this morning, January 6 at 04:00 [local time] our beloved bishop Joseph Kureethara was taken to Lourdes Hospital in Eruakolum and died shortly after arrival.
Today [January 6] at 15:00 all the priests and religious will take the body to the cathedral Cochin; and tomorrow at 10:00 there will be the funeral.
We will give all our prayers, love and alleluias for our great benefactor and guide in India! He meant so much to us, scjs. We shall all be present for the funeral .
Bishop Joseph was very familiar with the scj community. As a young priest he was befriended by Bishop Joseph DePalma, who was at the time superior general of the congregation.
Fr. General, who is in Latin America, sent a letter of condolence to the Vicar General on behalf of the entire Dehonian Family. A copy of that letter has been posted to the Letter & Document section and can be accessed here: To Mons. Paul Katticherry.
+Br. Philippe Rakotomarolahy (LU)born: 09.09.65
first profession: 12.08.94
died: 02.01.99
at Tananarive, MadagascarBr. Philippe was a member of the first group of three native Malgasche to profess vows in the congregation in 1994. We are expecting further information from the superior of the Madagascar SCJ Community, and will post it to the news page.