Mary Gorski, director of the office of communications for the US Province, was kind enough to share an article she is preparing for SCJ News on the recent meeting of US SCJ school administrators held in Hales Corners March 1-3, 1999. The complete article can be linked here: US SCJ SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS MEET
STANDING (L-R): Richard Hebert, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Houston; Kathleen Fuccaro, Sacred Heart, Walls; Sr. Diane Bauknecht, Holy Family Pre-School, Holly Springs; Albert Langston, Holy Name School, Holly Springs; Mike Tyrell, St. Joseph's Indian School (representative from the Dehonian Affiliates Committee); Jeanne Johnson, St. Martin of Tours, Franklin; Joe Kalla, St. Joseph's Indian School - Middle School, Chamberlain.
SITTING (R-L): Jan Krametbauer, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Houston; Chris Skowronek, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Houston; Fr. Tony Russo, director of Dehonian Affiliates; Mary Jane Alexander, St. Joseph's Indian School -- Elementary School; Chamberlain.
NOT IN ATTENDANCE: St. Angelica Garza, Holy Name, Houston and Margie Dilworth, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Early Childhood Program
LISTA DEI SITI CATTOLICI IN ITALIA now has its own domain name and can be reached at.:
We received the following request last week:
My name is Michael Doyle, and I am a high school teacher, and an Associate in a congregation of Brothers. I am putting together a handbook of justice and peace issues, and would like to include your web page from 2/23/99, "Justitia et Pax" in the U.S. Province. The book would be for the use of my students, and for discussion among the Brothers and Associates.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Michael Doyle
Editor's Note: The request was granted.
Each semester Sacred Heart School of Theology publishes a statistical fact sheet. According to the most recent sheet, SHST has 100 seminarians for the spring semester at an average age of 45. There are 22 students preparing for a master of arts in theology and seven students in the Focused Missiology/ESL program. The students represent 47 dioceses and 12 religious communities. During the past 10 years, 100 dioceses and 28 religious communities have sponsored students at SHST. (Taken from Fridge Notes)
Bishop Tomé Mahkwéliha (MZ), bishop of Pemba visited the General Curia. He was in Rome for the ad limina visit to the Vatican. Along with all the bishops of Mozambique, Bishop Tomé made a retreat in Frascati at the Conference Center run by the South Italian SCJs.Latin American Final vows: Mario Emilio Rodriguez Castilho (CH) made his final vows on March 12. Kleber Ferreira de Oliveira (BM), Pedro José Nogueira (BM) and Carlos E. Camaño Martin (VEN-HI) made their final vows on March 13. Kleber and Pedro were ordained deacons on March 14, while Carlos was ordained deacon on March 20.-- Congratulations to them all.
Richard Woodbury (CGA) and Tim Gray (US) during the recent meeting of the SCJ Councils of North America (US, CA and CGA) held at Sacred Heart Monastery/Sacred Heart School of Theology on March 9-10, 1999. The main topic of discussion were plans for the North American SCJ Assembly to be held the week of August 16, 1999 at Hales Corners. Fr. General plans to be present for this assembly.
Jerry Selenke (ZA) who has been recovering from surgery for cancer has been readmitted to St. Francis hospital as he has not been able to keep food down and has been steadily losing weight. After his hospital stay he will reside in an assisted care facility for several months.
We also received word from Maurice Légaré (CGA) that Jean Thijs underwent spinal surgery last Thursday (March 18).