The Fourth Quarter Statistics have been posted to the Letters & Documents page. Please note several errors in the third quater on-line stats have also been corrected. The year ended with 2301 scjs as compared with 2295 in 1997. However, the number of novices showed a decrease; in 1997 the year ended with 91 novices while 1998 ended with 77, (14 less). Furthermore out of 25 entities reporting 12, or about half had no novices, and only four had ten or more novices.The US Province web site ( is publishing the daily Lenten scripture mediations of Fr. Charles Yost.
The German Province plans on officially opening their web site at Easter Time. It invites scjs to visit it now at Please be advised it is "still under construction", however your comments will be appreciated.
We received the following information from Mozambique:
Novo endereço MZ - New adresse MZ - Nuovo indirizzo MZ
Dehonianos em Moçambique
cp 300
tel 4/212032 - fax 4/213864We have also updated our province, region and territorial community (district) email page. Note, as of today with the exception of Zaire, all of our entities (provinces, regions, and territorial communities) have active email addresses (Cf. SCJ Province and Region Email Addresses).
Principals meet in WisconsinMarch 1-3, principals from seven SCJ-administered schools will gather in Hales Corners to talk about Fr. Dehon and SCJ spirituality.
"The idea came about after last year's Mission Education Conference," said Fr. Tony Russo, director of Dehonian Affiliates. "A couple of the participants asked if there could be a gathering of the principals to further discuss SCJ spirituality and to simply dialogue on common issues."
The participants will include administrators from St. Joseph's Indian School in South Dakota, Sacred Heart School in Walls, Miss., Holy Family School in Holly Springs, Miss., St. Martin of Tours in Franklin, Wis., and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Holy Name and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Schools in Houston, Texas.
The gathering will begin with dinner at St. Martin of Tours parish, followed by a presentation by Fr. Paul Kelly on Fr. Dehon. On Tuesday, David Schimmel, a former member of the community, will talk about Fr. Dehon's trip to the United States and the founder's own work in education.
Principals will also take time to share with each other successful programs from their schools and discuss ways in which the schools might collaborate in the future.
"We hope to draw up a three-year plan for collaboration," said Fr. Russo. "There is a lot of diversity represented in this group -- our schools serve Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, children from the suburbs, the cities and from rural areas. In this diversity I think we can all learn different approaches to teaching and learning. It should be a good gathering."
Tony Russo (US)
During the month of March the following will celebrate anniversaries marking their first profession of vows or ordination. We offer our congratulations on behalf of the entire congregation!Religious Profession:
50 years: 19/03/49 F Adam Athanasius Witkamp NE, James Willis US and Gabriel Kersting, US.
40 years: 19/03/59 F Edmund Andrew Lewandowski US and F Mauro Hoyos Pérez HI
60 years: 19/03/39 P Theodor Schulte GE and P Wilhelm Schemann GE
25 years: 24/03/74 P James Matthews BH