CED has asked us to post several new email addresses. You will find them on our links page under Email Pubblicazioni IS.P. Mario Perin (IS), superior of the community of centro dehoniano and president of CED now has his own email account: perin@dehoniane.it. Likewise p. Marcello Neri (IS), a new member of the staff of Il Regno, can be reached at: neri@dehoniane.it.
An error was noted in the email address for India as found on the Links page under province email addresses. It should be: scjaluva@giasmd01.vsnl.net.in Please note the correction. This address will connect you to the novitiate.
Please make note of the following changes in telephone numbers:
Provincialate in Warsaw new numbers
Buenos Aires II (casa provincial)
- (022) 849.4351
- (022) 849.4561
- FAX (022) 849.4353
Clairefontaine (Luxembourg)
- (011) 4633.4504
- (011) 4633.8433
We are adding another new section this week: Vocations. During the coming months we hope to keep you updated on plans for the LAVRAS vocation conference (August 1-23), as well as introduce other materials of interest. This week we feature a prayer service for February 2, 1999 World Day of Consecrated Life. The service can be used in various settings and has been prepared by the Spanish students here in Rome.
- Telephone: (063) 24.01.80
- FAX: (063) 24.01.83
New look, new logo. We would like thank Gianquinto Regazzoni (AU) for designing our web site logo. We hope to have some more of his work on our site in the coming weeks. Gianquinto works in Montevideo, Uruguay, where among other things the scjs publish Umbrelas (also listed on our Links page). The now famous We the Congregation logo used at the XIXth general chapter was his design.
On February 2, 1999 at Jaraguá do Sul in Brazil the first profession of 16 novices from the South Brazilian Province will take place. For the next three years they will study philosophy in Brusque. Their novice master, Osnildo Klann will leave the novitiate for Rome to take care of on-going formation in the congregation. His replacement as novice master is Donizeti Queiróz.
We congratulate the following:
Alexandro de Matos, Cláudio Roberto Buss, Cleber Sanches, Daniel Aparecido de Campos, Edson Bispo dos Santos, Ivo Almani de Sá Pereira, Messias Henrique Salviano, Reinaldo Braga Ferreira, Sidinei Nascimento Guarda, Ademir Jacó Polh, Ademir Wickert, André Centenaro, Jairson Hellmann, Luís Antônio Nunes da Silva, Roque Luiz Biesdorf and Inaldo Santos Moraes.
During the month of February the following will celebrate anniversaries marking their first profession of vows or ordination. We offer our congratulations on behalf of the entire congregation!Religious Profession:
65 years: 13/02/34 P Decker Bertholdo Irineu BM.
60 years: 16/02/39 P Piazera Alberto BM and P Schmitt Roque José BM.
50 years: 02/02/49 P Severino da Silva Brás Vicente BS; 10/02/49 P Scheid Ivo Nicolau BM; 13/02/49 P Wloch Adam Jerzy PO, P Marekwia Kazimierz Hyacinthus PO and F Zieba Józef Franciszek PO.
40 years: 02/02/59 P Vicentini Valdir Salvio BM, P Schäfer Karl A. GE, P Pedrini Alírio José M. BM, P Schappo Bertino BM, P Zucco Walmor Gabriel BM, and finally Bishop Nélson JoséWestrupp BM of São José dos Compos.
25 years: 02/02/74 P Back Tarcilo BM P Rauber Belmiro BM, P Rech Osvaldo BM,P Hobold Wilson ZA, P Budiwinoto Sebastianus IN
50 years: 13/02/49 P Sánchez Cremades José María Juan HI.
+Fr. Henricus Wilhelmus de Heij (NE) born 04/01/07 first profession: 08/09/28 ordained: 16/07/33 died 20/01/99 at Asten On January 20, 1999 Fr. Henricus Wilhelmus de Heij died at Klooster Heilig Hart, our house for senior religious in Asten. He was born in Harrlem on January 4, 1907. He made his first profession on September 8, 1928 and was ordained on July 16, 1933.
After ordination he was a teacher for one year at our minor seminary of Christ the King in Hemond. In September 1936 he was sent as a missionary to Finland, just before the Winter War broke out.
In 1950 he left the congregation but continued to live in the spirit of his dehonian consecration. This culminated in his renewal of his religious vows on September 1, 1994. In October of '94 he joined the community at Asten where he went to his eternal reward. His body rests in the community cemetery.
(Obituary by Rein van Langen, scj)