SCJ World News |
16 April 2000
Holy Week
A correction for the Polish website as listed on our Links page. It should read: . Please make note of this update.Email Address updates: Please make note of the following email additions/changes in province email addresses.
Also posted to the website this week are current (as of 10.04.2000) email addresses for scj houses and provincialates. Be aware these tend to change frequently. We hope to update our website once a month and will notify you when this takes place. We will also indicate on the web page when last it was updated.
- Congo (ZA): -- received 10.04.2000
- North Brazil (BS): -- received 31.03.2000
- Poland (PO): -- received 14.03.2000
New website: Leonard Zaworksi (IND) has developed a website for our Indian SCJ Mission. He wrote: This is the address to the India Website. It's basic, and the 1st attempt. Feedback is appreciated. Lenny.
The site located at: will be added to our links section.
We will be posting two additional pages to our General Conference Page as we count down to the start of the General Conference next month in Recife, Brazil.
1. ECONOMÍA NEOLIBERAL - ANÁLISIS CRÍTICO - QUÉ ACTITUDES DESDE LA VIDA RELIGIOSA. Is a report from the Chilean Province prepared by Leonard van Marrewijk Arkesteyn. It is available in Spanish and is listed as document number 34.
2. ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION: a lecture by Professor Dr Hans Tietmeyer. Presented in the Aula Magna of the Gregorian University in Rome February 25, 2000. It is subtitled: Economic globalization and its implications for the concept of the state and its reality, and for international relations between states. This article is listed as document number 35 and is available in English. Many thanks to Stefan Tertünte for making it available.
This week's Meet an SCJ takes time out from its 'normal' presentations to present a brief account of the life of Fr. Beniamino Zambetti (IS). Last Sunday (April 9th) Fr. General joined the provincials of the two SCJ Italian Provinces, members of the general curia, scjs from the parish of Cristo Re, Cardinal Carlo Furno (Cardinal Deacon of Cristo Re), family, friends and parishioners in celebrating Fr. Zambetti's 100th Birthday (cf. below).
On Sunday, April 9, 2000 the North Italian Province honored Fr. Beniamino Zambetti at a noon Mass in the parish of Cristo Re. Fr. Zambetti is the first centenarian scj in the history of the congregation.
Born: 11.04.1900
First Profession: 17.10.1920
Ordained: 19.07 1925We congratulate him for celebrating this year:
100 years of life
80 years of religious life
75 years of priestProvincial Appointments
Fr. General with the consent of his council has named Claudio Weber provincial superior for the Province of South Brazil for a second triennium, effective July 4, 2000; and José Ornelas Carvalho as the new provincial superior of the Portuguese Province, effective July 1, 2000.
In the nomination systems of both provinces the General Administration will now consult the provinces on the selection of provincial councils.
*NB The archives in Rome turned up this picture taken 20 years ago.
Claudio Weber (BM)![]()
José Ornelas Caravalho (LU) *
Due to his work schedule Stefan Tertünte will suspend his commentaries until after Easter.
The Garonne River does not flow through America, nevertheless the "gascon" spirit runs deep around here. Read the signs and ads in the newspapers and you will see countless towns or businesses claiming to offer you "the best" or "the greatest in the World." (80) It might be a theater or a hotel or a store or a circus. Modesty is not an American trait, but it must be said in all fairness, they really do have a lot of big things.Over the next four weeks we will bring to a close Fr. Dehon's 1910 visit to North America. Before departing San Francisco for the Orient as was his custom Fr. Dehon reflects on the situation in the United States as he saw it (CF. American Customs).
Amalfi Coast