SCJ World News |
St. Martin of Tours Paris, Franklin, Wisconsin, staffed by scjs have posted a web site. It will be added to our links section. It can be located at: week in our Meet an SCJ section we present the third young scj Cameroon, Antoine Raoul Noah Essengue CM.
RomeMembers of the General Council return to Rome to begin their fall meetings. Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva, will join them later after he completes teaching a scripture course in Recifé.
To Sr. Clare Pratt, RSCJ, former principal of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Houston, [staffed by scjs]was recently elected superior general of her religious community, the Religious of the Sacred Heart.
From Fridge NotesHales Corners
Fr. Tim Gray shares an opinion during the small group discussions. Listening in are
Frs. Peter Sanders, Stephen Huffstetter, Claude Bédard and Adrian Visscher.
(photo taken from Fridge Notes web site 11.09.00)The SCJ Councils of North America (United States and Anlgo Canadian Provinces and the Region of French Canada) held their fall meeting in Hales Corners September 6-7, 2000. The purpose of these sessions is to explore ways to develop an SCJ North American identity and cooperation.
The International Finance Commission held its fall meeting at Hales Coners the week of September 11th. As has become their custom provincial/regional treasurers in the North American geo-cultural zone were invited to attend.
British - Irish Province
David Marsden, who has just graduated from Milltown is on his way to India. Dave left Manchester on Sept 7th for Bombay. Dave recieved the ministry of Acolyte at Malpas a few weeks ago. This is the last step in ministry before ordination to the Diaconate. At the same time it was announced that from September to April Dave will be working in our Indian Mission, helping with the formation of some of the candidates. He will also be preparing for his own final profession of vows next year. Finally he will journey to the Philippines and visit our mission there before returning to the Province after Easter. Please keep Dave in your prayers that his journeys, both inner and outer, will be very fruitful.
From BH Website
In the fourteenth in our series from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, we present excerpts from a letter byFr. Alfredo Paul Phillipot to novice Matias Legrand ."I should fear the rays of your anger if I were to present myself in San Quentin without having written first. You would be right not to speak with me under the pretext that you made me deaf and mute. You would have recourse to say that I know how to read lips. But I prefer to show you that I am healed of being mute. I have read the reproaches that you sent me through Fr. Santiago Herr. I believe that I deserve it. But I am happy for having received them. You are like the Lord knocking at the door of our hard hearts. This is a great sign of friendship."