07 July 2001
ItalyFrancesco Mazzotta (IM) has posted a new website, the purpose of which is to promote an interchange of ideas, especially in theology and pastoral ministry. He invites all to visit it at: http://web.tiscali.it/francescomazzotta
We are adding a page on Madagascar to this week's mission section in preparation for the November meeting of mission secretaries to be held at the Generalate upon the conclusion of the meeting of SCJ Major Superiors.
Wardjito (CU) has passed along a mission article entitled: MISSIO AD GENTES: AN ASIAN WAY OF MISSION TODAY by Leo Kleden, svd, -- the article is in English.
BrazilAfter a short four day stay in Rome upon concluding his pastoral visit to the US Province, Fr. General left Rome on July 3, 2001, to begin a two month pastoral visit to the South Brazilian Province at its two regions (RBM and MAR).
After long months of slow recovery from his accident last fall Tom Garvey was given a farewell party on July 2, 2001, by his host scj community (37th Street, Milwaukee) wishing him God speed as he rejoins his scj brothers in India. He departed Milwaukee on July 4, 2001.
SCJ Bishops meet in Rome
The Vatican organized a school for new bishops from June 28 to July 6. Three of our scj bishops participated in the program:
At the same time, Archbishop Tomé Makhwéliha was in Rome to receive his palio, as new Archbishop of Nampula, in Mozambique.
- Bishop Manuel Neto Quintas (Faro, Portugal),
- Bishop Antônio W. da Silva (Guarapuava, Brazil)
- Bishop Józef Wróbel (Helsinki, Finland).
While in Rome all the bishops spent a few days at our Generalate.
NB A first ever 'one day school for new scj major superiors' will take place this fall just prior to the start of the Major Superiors meeting in Rome.
The Dehonian Educators conference is underway in Salamanca, Spain. We hope to have more information next week on this first ever gathering of educators. Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (CU) is representing the general administration.
United States
Provincial Election
Vien Nguyen, Bob Bossie (left side) and David Szatkowski, Joseph Dinh (right side)
count ballots during the election assemblyAt last week's election assembly the following were chosen for a three year term beginning on August 1, 2001
Provincial: Richard MacDonald
Council (in order of election)
According to province procedure the vice-provincial will be chosen by the provincial superior with the consent of his council. This will take place after the new administration assumes office in August.
- Yvon Sheehy
- John Klingler
- Quan Nguyen
- Paul J. McGuire
- Bernard Rosinski
For more information, including biographies and a photo page of the week's events, visit the Fridge Notes website and click on for the week of Monday July 2, 2001.
ESL Program
The ESL Summer School (English as a Second Language) began this week with a record 38 participants. It will run though September. The break down of participants is:
Religious Community/Dioceses
- SCJs 18
- Rockford (Illinois) Diocese 6
- Congregation of the Holy Spirit 5
- Salt Lake (Utah) diocese 3
- OFM 1
- Milwaukee Archdiocese (Wisconsin) 1
- Crookston Diocese(Minnesota) 1
- St. Paul Archdiocese (Minnesota) 1
- Lay Students 2
- 1 sponsored by scjs in Rome
- 1 sponsored by St. Mary's Parish, Hales Corners, WI