7 December 2002
Dehonian Year Week XLI
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
Week of Advent
Year B of the Liturgical Calendar
157 days to the start of the
Updated General Chapter ListThe list of delegates and alternates to the XXIst general chapter has been updated and posted to the general chapter page:
Membri del XXI° Capitolo Generale - 7.12.2002Note: The chapter list published this week is complete save for the alternate for the Indian District which will be determined at their second chapter session slated to begin on December 27th.
Vidimus Dominum
The religious news site Vidimus Dominum published an article in its 25.11.02 news section on restructuring taking place in religious congregations. Fr. General was quoted on our own SCJ ongoing restructuring process.
Consecrated life: a link exists between restructuring and revitalization
Web Links
Tele Dehon a TV station owned and operated by the South Italian Province, has a new Internet site. This link will be added to our links page. The station operates out of studios located in Andria on the grounds of Santuario SS. Salvatore.
The Indian District (IND) has a new url address for their website. Please make note of this as well.
The old site was destroyed when the company went out of business, without notice. Br. Leonard Zaworski (IND) would appreciate your comments and suggestions. Send your emails to: dehonip@sancharnet.in
Portuguese - chapter delegatesAt it's recently concluded provincial chapter the following were elected to the XXIst general chapter:
Manuel Jardim Gomes Barbosa
Saturino Da Costa Gomes
Rafael Conçalves Da Costa
Fernando Rodrigues Da Fonseca
Mozambique - chapter delegates
At it's recently concluded provincial chapter the following were elected to the XXIst general chapter:
Azevedo Saraiva
Maggiorino Madella
Claudio Dalla Zuana
Marcos Paulo Làzaro
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 09.12.02 -15.12.02
+Fr. Joannes Van Dooren NE born: 30.01.1922
first profession: 08.09.1943
ordained: 16.07.1950
died: 01:12:2002 at Maastricht, HollandWhile still in formation, Fr. Van Dooren worked for two years at St. Joseph House, in Cadier en Keer. It was a house for young boys in difficult situations or broken families. After ordination, his life was marked mainly by his work for young people. He was at Cadier em Keer from 1951 to 1957, as administrator of that house, from 1960-1973, as vice-director and from 1973-1982, as director. For his dedication to the youth he was awarded with the Order of Orange Nassau. From 1957-1960, he worked at the General Curia in Rome. After his retirement from working for young people, he continued to do pastoral work.
From the Provincial Office, Breda
+Fr. Thomas Garvey IND
born: 17.09.1931
first profession: 09.09.1950
ordained: 31.05.1958
died: 02.12.2002 at Ernakulam, IndiaFr. Tom Garvey, SCJ, died, Monday, December 2, as a result of surgery he had last Wednesday for a hernia. Attempts are being made to have his body flown from India to the United States for burial. However, details are very unclear at this time.
Fr. Tom had been a member of the District of India for many years and his death is a great loss to the community there. Please keep them, as well as his family in your prayers. SCJs in India can be reached by e-mail at: aniol@eth.net or scjap@md4.vsnl.net.in
Originally from Chicago, Fr. Tom, 71, was professed in 1950 and ordained in 1958. He was rector of Sacred Heart School of Theology from 1978 to 1986 and was awarded an honorary doctorate of law from Cardinal Stritch College in Milwaukee for his efforts in developing adult vocations in the Catholic Church. Besides SHST, he served on the staff of Divine Heart and Kilroe Seminaries, as well as in other formation programs. He has been on several province committees and served four terms on the Provincial Council, &endash;&endash; three consecutively. From 1989 - 1995 he was provincial superior of the U.S. Province.
Fridge Notes