12 October 2002
Dehonian Year Week XXXIII
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
General ChapterWith the completion of the provincial chapter in Cameroon we are posting an updated list of delegates to the general chapter to the XXIst General Chapter section (cf. MEMBRI DEL XXI° CAPITOLO GENERALE [12.10.2002].
Justice & Peace
The SCJ Montréal Justice and Peace Conference began on October 1st and ended on the 10th. Mary Gorski's email reports in English, French and Italian,as well as a selection of her photos can be found on the Montréal 2002 page.
Last week Vidimus Dominum published two articles on their website about the Montréal conference:
Dehonians : International Meeting of the Peace and Justice Promoters (01.10.02)Dehonians: it is urgent that the globalization of solidarity be launched (05.10.02)
CameroonFirst Profession
The following made their perpetual profession of vows on October 6, 2002, at Ngoya.
NB Christophe Etiel Dikoundou, who is in Madagascar made his perpetual profession on September 8, 2002.
Provincial Chapter
The Cameroon provincial chapter ran from September 23, 2002, until October 4, 2002. Two of the 16 delegates were absent, Fr. Alfons Huisken had to go to Holland for health reasons and Fr. Bernard Goux was in Canada for the Justice & Peace Conference.
The following were elected delegates and alternates to the XXIst General Chapter:
The following provincial, regional or district chapters are taking place during October:
NB Holland holds the second session of their chapter. The first session took place 14-17.04.2002.
On October 19th Luca Buccheri, from the Northern Italian Province, will be ordained a priest at the Basilica of Cristo Re in Rome. He will have his first Mass the following day at Sacro Curoe di Gesù in Prati, also located in Rome.
Final Vows
On October 12, 2002 in the parish of Spirito Sando e Nostra Signora di Fatima, Naples, Giuseppe Ferraioli, of the South Italian Province made his perpetual profession of vows.
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 14.10.02 -20.10.02
+Fr. Renatus Wiercx BS
Born: 24.03.1914
First profession: 02.01.1937
Ordained: 17.08.1942
Died: 04.10.2002 at Asten, HollandOriginally from Breda, Fr. Renatus went to North Brazil in 1935. He made his novitiate at Água Preta, Brazil. After ordination he worked mainly in the parish apostolate at Salgueiro,Campina Grande, Igarassu, Beberibe and for a long time at Fortaleza, where from 1972, he dedicated himself especially to the sick people at the hospital of Maracanaú.
In September 2002, he returned to Holland, after spending 67 years in Brazil.