19 October 2002
Dehonian Year Week XXXIV
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
Email UpdatesPosted to the Links page is an updated listing of provincial, regional and district central houses email addresses (cf. Provincial - Regional - District Central Houses).
General Chapter
With the completion of the provincial chapter in Germany we are posting an updated list of delegates to the general chapter to the XXIst General Chapter section (cf. MEMBRI DEL XXI° CAPITOLO GENERALE [19.10.2002].
The Vidimus Dominium website publeshed another article on the just concluded Justice & Peace Conference:
France -- a mystery?Last week we received the following email asking if we knew who this saint was in the chapel at Hazebrouck where Fr. Dehon studied as a young man. No one in the house could postivily identify the statue so we are "appealing to our readers. If anyone can identify this stature please forward your information to: jean-michel.saus@wanadoo.fr. We would appreciate a 'cc' to our website (tomc@scj.org) as well.
Click here for a larger viewHello,
Sorry to ask you a question about an unknown saint on a statue in Hazebrouck (France) where M. Dehon was a student when he was young. This statue is in the chapel and we are not sure about the name of this saint. St Antoine? could you help us?
Thanks a lot
Collège Saint-Jacques: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/college-saint-jacques
Histoire de l'Institution St-Jacques: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/stj.hazebrouck
Germany - provincial chapter
The German provincial chapter concluded on October 11, 2002 and elected the following as delegates to the XXI General Chapter which is scheduled to begin at the General Curia on May 12, 2003.
Italy - an appeal
We recently received this email request:
I am a priests of the Archdiocese of Naples, my name is Don Bruno Oliviero. I was the chaplain at Poggioreale Prison for two years. Currently I am chaplain at a Brooklyn jail [Rykers Island] in New York City.
I have visited your website and find it an interesting one and am sure you do a lot of good. I am also trying to develop a website where I can speak about the problems of the criminal justice system. You can visit it at: www.solidarity-mission.it
My email address is:
Venezuela - ordination
On October 12th Alberto Galildez Peraza, from the Region of Venezuela was ordained to the priesthood in the parish of St. Domingo, San Carlos (Cojedes).
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 21.10.02 -27.10.02