Dehonian Year Week XXI
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the congregation
Email UpdateThe Region of South Brazil (RBM) has a new e-mail address: . The address of the Regional Superior is:
Justice & Peace
Another document is being added to the "Justice and Peace Montreal 2002" section:
Organismo Non Governativo di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo e di Volontariato internazionale. The text is avialble only in Italian.
Those who desire the "J&P Manual" written by the J&P Commission of the USG, can down loaded it in several languages (English, French, Portuguese and Italian -- and in the future a Spanish edition) from this site: Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (CU)
AngolaFor some time the Portuguese Province, in cooperation woth other provinces, has discussed the idea of a new scj mission in Angola. Recenlty Fr. José Ornelas, provinical superior of the Portuguese Province, made contact with bishops from Angola. He wrote a report of these discussions to those provinces interested in this endeavor: Mozambique, South Italy and Cameroon. A visit to Angola is scheduled for the end of July.
from Carta às Comunidades (MZ) n. 27
Brazil - Preparing the Centennial in South Brazil
On July 13, 2002, the South Brazilian Province began the year long celebration of its centennial. SCJs arrived in the south in 1903. The statue of the Good Shepherd, made by Hemann Falke (CAN) and given to the South Brazilian Province by the German Province, will be taken from house to house, starting at Florianopolis, where German SCJs first arrived.
NB The Good Shepherd by Herman Falke was featured on our June 1, 2002, news update.
MozambiqueDeacon Marcos Paulo Lázaro, from Mozanbique, will be ordained on July 28, in the Church Sagrada Família, at Quelimane.
NB We also have received photos from the June assembly held by scjs in Mozambique (Cf. photos).
During the summer break we meet together to discuss a little about situation on Missions.
This meeting took place in Gdynia, a Polish city by the sea July 9 - 12, 2002.
We had an opportunity to learn about work in different parts of the world. We also discussed ways of promoting missionary vocations.
Starting from the left standing: Zbigniew Bogacz (Provincial - Poland), Czeslaw Kucmierz (White Russia), Pawel Slowik (Congo), Janusz Burzawa (Philippines), Piotr Surdel (South Africa), Jozef Sedzik (Congo), Stanislaw Swiech - (Secretary of the Missions/ Procure), Zdzislaw Huber (Finland) and Andrzej Sudol (India).
The weekly Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar starts on May 31st. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents sectionDehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 22.07.2002 to 28.07.2002