21 September 2002
Dehonian Year Week XXX
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
Justice & PeaceThe preparatory committee for the SCJ Montréal Justice and Peace Conference to be held from October 1-10, 2002 has adopted this official logo. A reminder if you would like to receive daily email reports from the conference please send your email address to Mary Gorski at mgorski@execpc.com . Please specify your language preference from English, French or Italian.
Congo - Provincial ChapterFrom the 4th to the 13th of September, the SCJ Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo CO (RDC), held its 8th provincial chapter at the Bishop Grison Centre in Kisangani.
Animated by the same dehonian spirit they evaluated the situation of the province and decided to continue, despite of all, without forgetting the socio-political and economic problems in which the country has found itself for so many years.
The chapter lasted 10 days filled with discussions, exchange of ideas on the material in preparation for the XXIst General Chapter and other matters proper to the Province.
The visit paid by Archbishop L. Monsengwo, bishop of the Archdiocese of Kisangani, where most of our confreres work, was met with joy by the chapter members, since it was a sign of communion with the diocese.
The total number of chapter delegates was 19 plus Zolile Mambani general councillor for the SCJ African Geo-Cultural Zone.
Zénon Sendeke (CO)
Poland - First vows
On September 22nd, at the novitiate house in Stopnica the following novices from Polish province vill make first vows:
On the evening of September 21st, 17 candidates will be admitted to the novitiate.
Portugal - first vows
On September 21st, at the Novitiate house in Aveiro, Ismael José Mendes Marta and António Pedro Fernandes Monteiro will take their first vows as members of the Portuguese province.
Rome - New students
This week students arrived at the International College, in Rome for the 2002-2002 academic year. The new students for this year are:
The college is also hosting José da Cruz Muluta, a diocesan priest from Nampula, Mozambique, where Mons. Makhwéliha is Archbishop. The college also welcomes back Carlos Lobo da Cunha (MZ) who returns after spending several years in his home province. All together the college will be home to 18 SCJ students for this academic year.
United States - Early History
Wayne Jenkins, province archivist, has forwarded an early history of the United States published in 1998. It covers the founding years by German scjs from 1924 to 1933.
One of the recommendations from the pastoral visit of the Superior General, Very Rev. Virginio Bressenalli, SCJ, was to recover the past in a positive way. At their Provincial Council meeting, the Provincial, Very Rev. John Czyzynski, SCJ, suggested examining the history of the province in connection with the 1999 North American Assembly. The summary of the Council meeting in Cor Unum noted that the archivist, Rev. Wayne Jenkins, SCJ, was in the process of updating this history and that afterwards, the Council would review his work and would appoint a committee to enrich it or to prepare it more fully for use in preparation for the 1999 assembly.....
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 22.09.02 -29.09.02