Tom Cassidy (CU) will be visiting South Brazil for the next two weeks to help prepare for next summer's congregational vocation assembly. As editor of the scj web site he will endeavor to continue to publish the weekly news page. However connecting to the PCN server may be difficult, so please be patient. As you have noticed we have had some server problems the last few weeks. This is due to the new server PCN has put on line which has created a few problems for posting FTP documents.August is traditionally a slow time in much of Europe as it is the peak of vacation time in many countries, including Italy. For all practical purposes the General Curia shuts down for the month with all but a skeleton crew at home. This year included in that crew Fr. General.
Several weeks ago (cf. News for July 4, 1998) we published an article written by Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (CU) on his visit to Mato Grosso in Brazil. Included in the article was reference to the ordination of Bishop Chitolina. We recently received this photo from Rome showing the new bishop with an Indian headdress miter. For many years the BM Province has been in the State of Mato Grosso. In this recently settled state the conditions pastoralwork are difficult. There are great distances and few paved roads; traveling is often done by small planes. In the rainy season conditions become even more difficult. Another feature of the region is the presence of native [Indian] tribes.
[Taken from Visit of Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva to Mato Gross -- May 15-28, 1998]
Ryszard Mis (CU) visited the Argentine-Uruguay Province (May 26, 1998 to June 29, 1998) in order to conduct the consultation for the next provincial administration. The spirit of love, hospitality and openness demonstrated by the brethren created a climate of true fraternity. The discussions in all the communities and with individuals highlighted the preoccupation about the future of the province. Vocations was one point in particular which was the object of many discussions. Vocation ministry has become for the entire province, not only a preferential choice, but also of great urgency. Hopefully, with the efforts of all, the vocation situation will change for the better.Another problem that received a lot of attention was the future of the community in Uruguay. The political and social situation in the country is totally different from that facing the Church in Argentina. The solution would seem to suggest a division between the two, but in reality such a division faces many difficulties. Since there is a good climate in the province the new provincial administration will have time to pay attention to the real problems in the province.
prepared by Ryszard Mis, scj
The Indonesian Province has enrolled three students in this summer's ESL Program. The following biographies are taken from Biographies of the Summer '98 ESL Group provided by Paul Reid (US) ESL coordinator.
This is Carolus Kusmaryanto (Kus) second time here in the United Sates to study with the ESL program, his first being eight years ago. Kus is from the Indonesian province. He is with ESL so that he can learn professional English to write his Doctoral Thesis in Bioethics, an area of interest for him. In addition to learning English, he likes the ESL program because it gives him a strong sense of the internationally of the congregation.
Yohanes Sismadi has been with the scjs since 1987. He is a brother in the Indonesian province. His mother tongue is Javanese, but he speaks Indonesian as well. At home in Indonesia, in addition to this parents he has four sisters. He has lately been involved in parish catechetics. He is learning English to help him prepare for work in India. For Yohanes, this new challenge is part of the scj spirituality of Ecce Venio.
Fridho says that his full names is Yohones Antonius Moisud Fridho Mulya and comes to the Untied sates from the Indonesian province. His ministry has included time as a parish priest and directing a minor seminary, and he is thankful for the opportunity for sabbatical time wit the ESL program.
Please remember +Johannes van Uden, a member of the Dutch Province, who died on July 23, 1998 at Bakel in the Netherlands. When available his obituary will be posted to the necrology section.
Born: 22/05/29
First Profession: 08/09/52
Ordained: 19/07/59
Died: 23/07/98