The Cameroon now has its own email address. It has been added to the links page under province email addresses (cf. Links).We have made some changes to the Necrology page. At least three of the deceased now have both links to their province obituaries, as well as photos. (cf. Necrology). We have also combined the three necrology pages into one, providing the basic information in five languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian and German.
The second Informationis Dehoniana has also been posted this week (cf. Informationis Dehoniana). [Editor's note: The obituary used for Fr. Brevi (IS) was taken from this issue.]
The new SCJ House of Formation at Cagayan de Oro is now in full operation. These photo's were recently dropped off in Rome by Eduardo Agüero (AU) on his way home to Argentina for his three month vacation leave. At present all students at Cagayan de Oro are pre-novitiate candidates. The first Philippine novice class (two novices) began last month. Jerry Sheehy (BH) is novice master. The novitiate is located at Dimataling, one of the three original scj missions.scj candidates from Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
The Portuguese Province held it's second national youth assembly for some 300 young dehonians at Fatima from April 14 - 16, 1998. One of the fruits of the assembly was a proclamation prepared by the participants. It is available on our site in Portuguese (cf. Proclamção).The assembly was under the leadership of Fr. Adérito Barbosa, scj. He is the author of some 13 books on vocation ministry. He believes strongly in the need to walk with (accompany) the young as they arrive at their vocational choice in life -- whatever that choice might be.
Increasingly, operations once staffed primarily by members of a religious congregation or order are now being managed by lay employees. Religious schools, social service centers, hospitals, fund raising offices and even parishes, are now being served by lay associates. "Of course, the obvious reason for the trend is that there are fewer priests and religious to staff these positions," said Fr. Tony Russo, director of Dehonian Affiliates. "However, it is a trend filled with many blessings. People from outside of our religious congregation bring with them innovative ideas and enthusiasm. They help us to be more effective in serving the church.""The work they do and the services they provide are all an outreach of our ministries," he added. "Because of this, their work and the decisions they make must be in harmony with our mission and our spirituality."
For the second time in three years, the SCJs are sponsoring a "Mission Education Conference," to help those with whom they collaborate better understand the mission of the SCJs and the spirituality of their founder. Over 140 people from around the country will gather May 4-5 at Sacred Heart Monastery/School of Theology in Hales Corners, for the conference. Participants will represent ministries in Texas, Mississippi, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Illinois and Canada.
"It's a way for them to learn about us," said Fr. Russo. "By coming together, they have a sense that they are a part of something bigger than just their ministry. Their work is a part of who we are as SCJs. They aren't just administrators, they are people who are helping us to continue the mission of our founder."
"The spirituality and mission of our founder is just as important today as it was in 1878 (when the congregation was founded)," said Fr. Russo. "Who fulfills that mission? Who lives that spirituality? It won't and shouldn't be just priests and brothers. Instead, it will be all of us -- SCJs, the laity, priests and religious from other orders and dioceses -- working in collaboration to serve the church, to serve society."
Fr. William "Denny" Devine, SCJ, died Saturday, February 14, in Milwaukee. He was 88 years old.Originally from New York City, Fr. Devine professed his first vows with the SCJs in 1940 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1945. He first ministered in South Dakota and Mississippi before being named as pastor of St. Jude's parish in East Chicago, Ind., in 1953. Fr. Devine served the parish until 1973, when it was closed.
Following the closure, he spent a summer in Harlingen, Texas, serving as a chaplain. He then went to Dorr, Mich., where he was pastor of St. Stanislaus parish until 1977. From 1977 until 1979, he was associate pastor of Immaculate Conception parish in Whiting, Ind.
In 1980, he became associate pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in East Chicago. Six years later, he was appointed as parochial vicar of St. Mary's, also in East Chicago. After he retired, he continued to help out at St. Mary's while also serving as a chaplain at St. Catherine's Hospital.
For the past several years, he had been a member of the Villa Maria community, with residence at Marian Catholic Home (cf. Necrology).
provided US Office of SCJ Communications
[Editor's note: Recall from last's weeks edition that we will try to include a province obituary when publishing a death notice. For 'practical' reasons putting the notice on the news page works best, with a link from the necrology page back to the news page.]