SCJ News will publish an article by Bob Bossie (US), Hope on the Border, detailing a recent visit of North American scjs to the US Mexican Border in order to learn about immigration and global economic issues. Somewhat to their surprise, they also experienced a sense of hope. The article can be accessed here using: Hope on the BorderThe complete article, can be linked here. Due to the length of the article it is only available in English at this time.
The latest edition of Dehoniana Informationes n. 6-98 has been posted to the Letters & Documents section.
Our scj web site ( has been added to the Religious Orders page of Communio and can be accessed at: and In addition to links to many religious communities this site also maintains links to other Catholic categories.
We have received the web site address for EDB (Edizioni Dehoniane), The site has been added to the Links page along with an email address to which queries can be sent:
British - Irish Province Jubilee Class of 1998 On October 15, 1998 the British-Irish Province held its annual jubilee celebration at Malpas. This year's group, pictured above are from left to right:
- John Gaul 40 years of ordination
- Gerard Giblin 50 years ordination
- Andrew Grant 40 years of profession
- James Lawless 50 years of ordination
- Andrew Grant 25 years of ordination
- James Boyd 25 years of ordination
Break time during meeting of North American Councils picture courtesy of Claude Bédard "On October 13-14, 1998 the three Provincial and Regional Councils of North America (CA-US-CGA) met in Montreal. As there were changes in all three administrations since their last meeting, February, 1998 in Toronto, a fair amount of time was spent getting to know one another, and reviewing what happened during previous meetings.
The group reaffirmed the commitment to "search out and develop an SCJ identity and mission" The decision to hold a common assembly of all North American SCJs in August 1999, in Hales Corners was reaffirmed as a step in this process. The purpose and goals of this Assembly were clarified and ways of communicating this with SCJs were explored.
Besides the agenda, the group was asked to take part in the "Canadian Ecumenical Jubilee Initiative" for the reduction or cancellation of unpayable debts of the most impoverished nations. A petition was signed and a letter will be sent to Mr. Paul Martin, Canadian Minister of Finances, to encourage the Canadian Government not only to cancel these debts by the year 2000, but also to take the leadership in calling upon the leaders of the other lending Nations to write off these debts. These leaders will be urged to take effective steps to prevent high levels of debt building up again.
The three Councils will meet again, in Hales Corners, on March 9-10, 1999."
from Maurice Lègarè (CGA)
+ Fr. Wihelm Spätgens GE
born: 09 June 1913
first profession.: 11 May 1934
ordination.: 23 July 1939
died: 13 October 1998 at Neustadt, Germany+Fr. Dionizy Jan Bucki, PO
born: 23 December 1918
first profession.: 22 September 1938
ordination.: 09 July 1945
died: 17 October 1998 at Tarnów, Poland