Peace Communication Network (PCN) the service provider on which our web site resides has been installing a new computer and software. It has caused some disruption in email service and the ability of our web master (Zdzislaw Huber [FIN]) to download new material to our web site. We apologize for the delays and appreciate your patience.
I am writing to let you and the community know that Fr. Zolile (CU) had his knee surgery yesterday and is doing very well. He was in the hospital just for the day. Today, he is confined to bed since he cannot walk at the moment. Hopefully by Thursday he will be able to walk someone.From Bill Pitcavage (AM)Many in the congregation know Mary Gorski, director of communications for the United States Province. She was the English Journalist at the 1997 General Chapter. Mary is an avid sports person, participating in triathlons, ultra running and now mountain climbing. Her husband, Dave, emailed the following information to her scj friends last week:Just thought I would pass along "news from Mary". She and her two partners made the summit of Mount Rainier, Washington (14,410 ft [4,392.17 meters]) today at about 10:00 AM. They left base camp at 4:30 AM and climbed with headlites to make the summit early enough to return before dark. Mary says it was "unbelievable", and that she "will be a better person for it." She said that it was very difficult and "scary" as they had to jump a couple of crevasses. The summit was very windy. Mary claims not to have hurt herself (or others) with either her ice ax or her crampons.
From Dave GorskiJuly 15, 1998The US Office of Justice & Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) will be offering an scj immersion experience along the US-Mexico boarder to all interested scjs in North America. It will be held September 21-23, 1998. The following information was provided to Bob Bossie (US) Director of JPIC by Rio Grande Border Witness Program, the organization facilitating the experience. The immersion experience is one aspect of JPIC's efforts to prepare North American SCJs regarding the Global Economy and the Reign of God, theme for the Year 2000 General Conference....delegations visit refugee shelters, detention centers, poor colonias [neighborhoods] on both sides of the border, and Maquiladora factories in Mexico. They learn about issues such as free trade, political asylum for refuges, and the health and environmental hazards along the Rio Grande. They hear the stories of churches and community groups who work with border residents to overcome poverty and oppression.
information taken from a letter by Bob Bossieto all North American scjs, dated July 1998
The South Brazil Province has two students enrolled in this summer's ESL Program. The following biographies are taken from Biographies of the Summer '98 ESL Group provided by Paul Reid (US) ESL coordinator.
Adolfo Husle is a member of the South Brazil province studying English as part of a sabbatical year. He has been a teacher for many years. When not teaching he describes himself as a cowboy: enjoying the outdoors by fishing, farming, ranching and helping with farm animals and produce. There is a possibility he will draw on his experiences with the ESL program this year by teaching English in the scj schools in South Brazil.
Marcial Macaneiro is from the South Brazilian Province, where he ministers to youth and teaches at Instituto Teologico, our school of theology in TaubatÈ, Brazil. His teaching has lead Marcial to author several theological books on spirituality and is known in Brazil for being a young "up and coming" theologian. He seeks to learn English to continue his writing. When not working, Marcial enjoys reading, going out with friends, and dancing, adding, "Oh!, I like music!"