The Liceo Classico Leone Dehon, Monza, Italy, has posted a home page at It has been added to our SCJ links page (cf. Links).Pardon our French, but we received a correction from Père Stany Wawro (CM) for the new email address posted last week for the Cameroon:
Merci de votre lettre. Cela fait beaucoup de plaisir. Je voudrais vous signaler que sur la page des adresses électroniques on a fait une erreur. L'adresse Email de la Province SCJ du Cameroun n'est pas " mais : The correction has been made on our links (email) page.
There are several updates to the province email address list as well. Both the US and French Canadian Provinces have new addresses. US:; French Canada: You can also access them using the links page (ø).An article on the situation in Indonesia by Wardjito (CU) has been posted to the Justitia et Pax page. It is available in English, French and Italian. (cf Justitia et Pax).
You will notice too that the Justitia et Pax page has been simplified. As our web site grows we need to look for ways to make our pages more efficient to produce and manage. Postings are listed in chronological order, starting with the latest at the top of the page. Titles are given in at least two languages. The brackets[ ] indicate the source or author, and links are provided to the document in languages available. We will soon add a new section: Province Justice & Peace Information.
On April 30, 1998 the SCJ Territorial Community of India opened it's first novitiate year with a class of two novices. Sebastiano Pitz (BM) is their novice master.On Saturday May 2, 1998 Antoine Santegoeds (NE) joined the French Canadian scjs in celebrating the 45th anniversary of Pointe-au-Chên. Originally a minor seminary, it is now a Catholic secondary school meeting the needs of students as far away as Montréal, a distance of about 100 kilometers.
Adam Maslowski (PO) visited Rome I for several days on his way from Poland to his new mission assignment in South Africa. He spent last year in the ESL program at Hales Corners, learning English, and will now proceed to learn several local languages needed to work in either the De Aar or Aliwal North dioceses. Osnildo Klann (BM) returned to Brazil after spending several weeks in Rome to discuss with the superior general his new role as director of on-going formation. It is hoped his present duties as novice master will be completed by year's end, so that he can assume his new position at the General Curia early in 1999. ![]()
Juan Domingo Griffone (AU) also made a fast stop in Rome on his way back to the Philippines. His sabbatical/vacation time is now over and it's time to get back to work. Recall Juan spent the fall semester here in Rome on sabbatical and then returned to his home province of Argentina for a well deserved vacation. Zolile Mpambani (CU) has completed his language course and will assume his full time council duties. His first extended visit will be to accompany Fr. General on visits to South Africa (June 1-14) and Mozambique (June 15 to July 7). Both will take part in the installation of the first Mozambique scj provincial administration on the Feast of the Sacred Heart (June 19th).
Finally, Maurice Légaré reports Maison Dehon received about 5000 Canadian dollars from the benefit performance of The Desert Song held in Montréal on April 21st (cf. news page 25/04/98).
On Wednesday, April 28th our brother Cleophas Piet Bot, scj died at the Canisius-Wilhemina hospital in Nijmegen.Cleophas Piet Bot was born at Blokker (NH) on March 4, 1912, he made his first profession on March 19, 1935. After his first profession Br. Cleophas worked for 19 years as cook in our major seminary at Liesbosch. From 1954 until 1969 he worked at Helmond at our minor seminary of Cristo Re, where the kitchen was his domain. In August of '69 Br. Cleophas changed communities and kitchens one more time. His first years in Nijmegen before retiring were also spent as community cook. In both Helmond and Nijmegen Br. Cleophas was frequently a member of the local house council.
From R. van Langen, scjprovincial superior
The Dutch Province studied The Plan: We, the Congregation in Service to the Mission 1997-2002, in the meeting of the provincieraad (Provincial Assembly) April 20-21, 1998.The aim of the discussion was to become more acquainted with the Global Plan for the whole congregation and to consider the implications for the Dutch province. To us the Global Plan appears to be ambitious and a bit unruly. In order to succeed much will depend on good information and timely communication to be effectively involved in the decision making process.
During the meeting Piet Schellens also reported on the progress made in the Commission on the adaptation of our structures.
Finally from the Flemish Province Marcel Grondelaers, provincial, and Albert Vander Elst took part in our deliberations. The cooperation between the Flemish and Dutch Provinces was substantially stimulated by their presence.
R. van Langen, scjApril 29, 1998
Giuseppe Persico was born at Albino, Italy on May 26, 1931. He entered Sacred Heart minor seminary (Albino) in 1942. He made his first profession at Albisola Superiore in 1948 and was ordained a priest in the Bergamo cathedral on June 15, 1957.After a year of study in Rome and pastoral preparation at Casa del Missionario in Genoa, he was invited to Lyon, France, to take part in the worker priest movement. This was a difficult experience for him, but also helped forge his character.
He returned to Italy and for the rest of his priestly ministry he served the young: First, the students at the Collegio S. Givoanni di Castiglionie dei Peopli, then at Bolognano as superior of the community and instructor in religion and the classics. Finally, for the last twenty years of his life, at the Istituto tenico commerdciale, and especially at the Villaggio del Fanciullo in Bologna, as teacher, educator, and friend. He died on February 5, 1998.
Taken from the funeral homily (Albino)[Editor's note: Recall from the April 28th edition that we will try to include a province obituary when publishing a death notice. For 'practical' reasons putting the notice on this news page works best, with a link from the necrology page back to here.]