Noi Congregazione
We, the Congregation
Nous, la Congrégation

XX Capitolo Generale/General Chapter/Chapitre Général
Dehoniani/Priests of the Sacred Heart/de Prêtres du Sacré-Coeur
14.05 - 6.06.1997

Pictures/L'immagini/Le photographie
Mass 14.05.1997 Mass 14.05.1997 Mathias Hansen
Fr. Camilo Maccise, ocd
during his May 15th presentation:
"Mission of today's religious in the
light of Vita Consecrata."
The Dutch provincial explains
the symbol which represents
his province.
Fr. Marinucci of Madagascar
discusses the symbol of
his region.
Fr. Rino Venturin talks about
the work of the SCJs in
the Philippines.
Fr. John Czyzynski explains
the banner which symbolizes the U.S. province
Horacio Properzi talks about lay dehonians in
Latin America.
Fr. General receives a gift
from polish lay dehonians.
Fr. Adam Musialek talks
about the symbol of the
South African Province.
Fr. Bressanelli and Fr. Siebenaler listen to a delegate's question. Fr. Bressanelli shares a report. Fr. Adilson Colombi (left) and Fr. Peter Saunders moderate a session. Fr. Gaston Pirotte talks about the symbol for Luxemburg-Walloon province.
Fr. Umberto Chiarello clarifies a question. Wednesday's speaker, fr. Schreiter, listens to fr. Jim Schroeder's introduction. Delegates meet together Friday morning. Fr. Ciarrocchi explais the financial report. Tellers go over the ballots after Friday's vote for 3 delegates to review the financial books.
Delegates take a day off in Assisi. Fr. Jack Kurps from the United States and Mary Gorski, the english journalist in Assisi. After a big meal at Foligno, fr. Luis Carlos Marques Sousa takes a siesta. Fr. Adam Musialek speaks in his linguistic group. Fr. Tom Cassidy responds to a question about the government of the congregation.
Three North Americans pose for a photo: fr. Jack Kurps, Jim Schroeder and Peter McKenna. Fr. Zdzislaw Huber, a journalist at the Chapter, and fr. Adam Musialek, provincial of South Africa. Delegates take a break outside before their next meeting. Fr.Giovanni Pross, moderator, discusses the proceedings with fr.Bressanelli. The three Finns pose for a photo: frs. Zdzislaw Huber, Adrian Borst and Wieslaw Swiech.
Fr. Atmaja Herru, provincial secretary of the indonesian province. He is at his 1st Chapter. Frs. Peter McKenna, Atmaja Herru & John Czyzynski relay during a break. Fr. Bressanelli explains how the reports were synthesized. Representatives from the German Province: Frs. Stefan Tertünte, Konrad Flatau, Heinz Lau. Fr. Oliviero Girardi on the way to a meeting.
Frs. Rein van Langen and Peter McKenna go over a report. Fr. Stefan Tertünte collects the ballots. Counting Fr. Bressanelli accepts his re-election as General Superior. The 1st part of the mass was held in the meeeting hall following the election.
In the chapel, Fr. Bressanelli is the principal celebant following the election. Frs. Stefan Tertünte and David Tachago annouce the votes from the first ballot. Fr. Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (left) is congratulated after his election. More congratulations for Fr. Carlos Alberto. Fr. Umberto Chiarello claps when he hears that Fr. Carlos Alberto was elected. Fr. Umberto was elected in the next round.
Fr. David Tachago (middle) speaks with newly elected General Councilor Fr. Tomé Makhweliha. Relaxing during a break.

Polish group.

Delegates talk about the mornings vote. Delegates clap for Fr. Tomé after he receives the necessary number of votes. Fr. Tomé Makhweliha, the third councilor elected.
Fr. Wardjito receives congratulations on his election to the General Council. Fr. Carlos Alberto welcomes Wardjito to the Council. Fr. Bressanelli and Fr. Thomas Cassidy following Fr. Cassidy's election. Fr. Cassidy receives congratulations. Delegates from Indonesia offer their congratulations to Fr. Cassidy.
Fr. Mis, the fourth councilor elected, speaks with the italian journalist. The Chapter Moderators pose for a photo. Photo of the General Council and Treasurer.