06 January 2001
Salamanca 2001We are adding two documents to the Salamanca Dehonian Education Conference page. The first is an addition to one already posted adding the Portuguese translation of Fr. Dehon's talk given on September 8, 1907:
Discurso do P. Dehon aos Antigos Alunos do Instituo São João.The second is parts taken from a sermon by Fr. Delloule given on August 19, 1894 and is available in both French and Portuguese:
Boletim Anual da Associação Amigável dos Antigos Alunos do Instituto São João.Extraits d'un sermon du p. Delloule pour occasion d'une messe chez l'Association Amicale des Anciens Élevès de l'Institution Saint-Jeanet quelque souvenir (11me compte-rendu, 19 août 1894, pp. 15-21)RomeFr. General's letter dated December 18, 2000 (Prot. N. 286/2000) to the Dehonian Family officially announcing the beatification on March 11, 2001, of Juan María de la Cruz García Méndez (1891-1936), has been posted to the letters and documents page.
NB Beginning with the news of January 13, 2001, we will be offering weekly presentations leading up to the beatification ceremony on March 11th of the lives of scj martyrs of the XXth Century based in part on the booklet by Bernd Bothe (GE), and prepared by Stefan Tertünte (GE) currently a member of the Rome II community.
Meet an SCJ
This week we meet Marcelo Alves dos Reis (BM), who is also participating in the 2001 final vow program organized by the SCJs of Latin America. It is taking place at the "Instituto Meninos São Judas Tadeu" (a house for abandoned boys), in São Paulo (BM). The program runs from January 3, 2001, and ends on February 12, 2001.
Over the next several weeks we will feature at the end of the news page photos taken by Wardjito (CU) on his most recent visit to India. They are of the chapel at Aluva, Kerala, and have as their theme elements of our spirituality. We begin with the window prophets of love.
CameroonFrom January 5 to 20, 2001, Antonio Cuomo (IM) will travel with a group from Volontario die Laicie Terzo Mondo (Volunteers for the Third World). There the group will begin the construction of an aqueduct. Rocco Conte (IM) is responsible for this project. The project is receiving half of the needed funds from the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs. I am also passing along the project outline in French (cf. Prévention hygienico). Please keep us all in your prayers.
Antonio Cuomo (IM)
In a slight change in practice for this year we will publish the ordination and first profession anniversary list with this issue of SCJ World News. The pages will also be posted to the Letters & Documents page for easy consultation during the year.
On his recent visit to India Wardjito discovered that one small way our Indian scjs are trying to supplement their income is by growing pineapples. Currently visiting India is Michael Walshe, provincial superior of our British-Irish Province (BH). The chief purpose of his visit is to David Marsdin (BH), who is doing a cross cultural year in India. A planned visit to the Philippines has been postponed until later in the year.
Tom Garvey (IND) continues on his road to recovery from his accident in October. He is recuperating from his broken jaw back in the United States saying with the scjs at 37th Street (Milwaukee).
The following note was sent on Christmas Day from Wardjito who is home on vacation before visiting Indonesia and the Philippines. On Christmas Eve a number of Catholic and Protestant churches were bombed killing a number of people.
I am still alive. I was concelebrating Christmas Mass with Fr. Kristiono Widodo, SS.CC. The Mass started at 8:00 PM. Around 9:30 PM while we were distributing Communion one of the parishioners approached me to tell me that three Protestant churches on Batam were bombed. He asked me to hurry up so we could finish as soon as possible. I tried to do it as calmly as I could. Around 10:00 PM after the Mass was ended we found a strange Christmas package left in the corner of the balcony. We suspected it was a bomb. It was too! Around midnight policemen were able to remove it from the Church and exploded it outside. So it was a small Christmas miracle that saved us, and the Catholics of Bengkong, Batam who number about 2000 and are mostly migrants from Flores and North Sumatra.
It's one of the difficulties we must endure during these difficult days in Indonesia. Thanks be to God for His protection.
Wardjito (CU)
The Holy Father has accepted the resignation of Archbishop Manuel Vieira Pinto of the archdiocese of Nampula in conformity with canon 401 § 1. On December 30, 2000, Pope John Paul II nominated Bishop Tomé Makhweliha, scj, of the diocese of Pemba to replace Bishop Pinto as archbishop of Nampula.
In the twenty-seventh in our series from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, we present another to the novice Falleur on July 21, 1881. Next week we be the last of the letters sent to Falleur, they will be followed with letters sent to the novice Legrand.Thank you for the prayers offered on my behalf last Monday. I felt them and want to offer my appreciation to her for them. Contrary to what happened last year when Mr. Decan drew the themes at random he gave them out to us.