10 August 2001
The Colégio São Luiz, Brusque - SC has a new website at: http://www.cslbq.com.br. It will be added to our links page.
CongratulationsOn Saturday, June 28, 2001 five scjs were ordained at Sé do Funchal by Bishop Teodoro de Faria:
- Nélio Tomás
- Juan Noite
- Domingos Pestana
The five are the first scj vocations from Ilha (for more information cf. Novos Presbíteros e Diáconos LU).
- Nélio Gouveia
- Luís Jesus
+P. Gerardus Stevelink NE
Born: 13.06.1917 at Tubbergen
First Profession: 06.09.1933 at Asten
Ordained: 29.06.1944 at Nijmegen
Died: 02.08.2001 at NijmegenSoon after ordination, Fr. Stevelink went to work in Rotterdam. In 1946 he was sent to the scj mission in the Congo. His destination was Lubutu where he worked until 1986. For 34 years he was responsible for the organization of this mission and he put special emphasis on his work in preparing new catechists. Together with the local people he dedicated himself in developing the region in various ways: education, agriculture, health, infrastructure and combating leprosy. The period of the civil war, from 1960 to 1968, was a very difficult time. After turning 65 he became a go-between man for different organizations of development and the missions. In 1986 Fr. Gerardus returned to Holland. Up until 1992 he lived at Breda he then moved to Nijmegen to live out his last days.
translation provided by Piet Adam (NE)