15 September 2001
Curia Comings and GoingsHadrianus Wardjito is in the United States to attend the Mission Awareness Conference, to be held this year in South Dakota. Thomas Cassidy is in the British Irish Province to conduct the consultation for a new provincial administration and to attend the Meeting of North European SCJ Major Superiors to be held at Malpas September 17-20, 2001.
Please make note of the following address correction:
Priesters van het H. HartRome
Konig Leopold III-laan 27 (not Leopolid)Fr General will be attending the Synod of Bishops to be held at the Vatican during the month of October. He is one of the delegates representing the Union of Superior Generals. In addition two scj bishops are members of the synod: Archbishop Tomé Makhwéliha from Mozambique and Archbishop Oscar Schied, recently appointed archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
South Brazil
Marcio Tadeu, web director, has informed us that the South Brazilian Province has a new vocation website at: http://www.vocacaoscj.org.br . It will be added to our links page. Your comments will be appreciated and can be sent to Marcio Tadeu at marcio@catolico.org.br .
Fr. General, Umberto Chiarello (vicar general) and Evaristo Martînez de Alegria (HI) will travel to Puente La Reina (Navarra), Spain to join with members of the Spanish Province in marking September 22nd as the official liturgical date in remembrance of Juan de la Cruz García Méndez, scj, who was beatified last March when John Paul II beatified the Spanish Martyrs. He is the first dehonian to be so honored.
Puente La Reina
12:00 noon Liturgy
Iglesia del Crucifijo
CanadaMaurice Légaré has forwarded a number of photos taken during the All Canadian SCJ Assembly held at Arnpior last month at which the final plans were laid for creating a single scj entity in Canada next year (cf. letter to the congregation August 19, 2001).
The photos were created using a program called Quickie Photos to Web and can be found at ALL CANADIAN SCJ ASSEMBLY They are 'thumbnails', which means if you wish to view a particular photo click on it to enlarge it.
On September 8, 2001, Jean Lê, Bernard Pineau and René Lydian Guilon professed their final vows as members of the Franco - European Province.
Today, September 15, 2001, Daniel Gaiola (IS) was ordained to the priesthood by Cardinal Giacomo Biffi in the Cathedral of San Pietro, Bologna.
He will celebrate his first Mass at Santa Maria di Non on Sunday the 16th. After ordination he will spend time in Portugal learning Portuguese after which he will be sent to Mozambique. He can be reached at the following e-mail address gaiola.scj@libero.it
+Fr. Wilhelm Schemann GEborn: 08.03.1913
first profession: 11.05.1934
ordained: 19.03.1939
died: 05.09.2001 at Fürstenau![]()
+Fr. Giacchino Agostino De Ruschi (MZ)
born: 08.09.1913
first profession: 29.09.1932
ordained: 01.07.1939
died: 09.09.2001 at QuelimaneFr. Giochino De Ruschi was born on September 8, 1913 at Caazza (BG). He made his first profession on September 29, 1938 at Albisola Superiore. After his theological studies in Bologna he was ordained in July 1939. From that moment he dedicated his life to the missions and left with the first group of Italian scj missionaries for Mozambique in 1947. He arrived in March of that year and served in the mission stations at Nauela and Alto Molocuè.
From 1969 to 1875 he served as vicar general of the diocese of Quelimane and then from 1976 to 1986 as the bishop's private secretary. He wrote a diary of the first months of the new scj mission in Mozambique.
He died at Quelimane on the morning of September 9, 2001. He is buried in the cemetery at Milevane alongside Frs. Martelli, Ossana, Zanetti and De Franceschi.
+Maria Zita Girardi
Maria Zita died at the age of 77 on September 8, 2001, at San Remo and her funeral was held on September 10, 2001 in La Chiesa degli Angeli, San Remo. She is the sister of Oliviero Giuseppe Girardi (IS), a member of the General Curia staff serving as postulator and belonging to the Rome II community.