28 April 2001
Email ChangesThe United States Province has installed a new phone system with expanded Internet access. The change over has resulted in new email accounts, please make note of:
Provincial Office: provsec@poshusa.org
Mary Gorski: Mgorski@execpc.com (elected to stay with her old account)Please note the email address for the Argentina-Uruguay Province should be provincial@dehonianos.org.ar . It is currently incorrectly listed on our website.
NB. Keeping track of email accounts is not a simple matter as they tend to change rather rapidly. We depend on the office of the general secretary for updates. The secretariat tries to do this on a quarterly basis.
New Site
The Sacred Heart Parish, Taubaté, Brazil, has a new website reflecting our dehonian charism. It will be added to our links page and can be reached here at: http://br.geocities.com/pscjtaubate .
We are posting to the Salamanca Dehonian Education Conference page an article by Marcel Denis (EF): p. Dehon e L’istituto San Giovanni de San Quentin . The text is available in French and Portuguese.
We are also posting, in French, the second part of Fr. Ledure’s article on Fr. Dehon as an Educator that first appeared in Heimat und Mission 1998 11/12 pp. 14-15.
Le Père Dehon éducateur
AlbaniaMario Cuomo (IS) will be heading a Summer Camp at the Dehonian Mission in Albania this coming August. Two groups will participate, the first starting on August 10th and the second on August 19th. For more information link to their poster: Campi Estivi in Albania nelle Missioni Dehoniane.
Stefan Tertünte (GE) on his recent visit to France discovered 87 new documents relating to Fr. Dehon, L. Harmel and the Congregation, including letters, posters, journal articles, etc.
from Notiziario dell’archivio
Anno 1, #3 (21.04.01)
NB Stefan is living at the International College completing his doctorate on Fr. Dehon. Through the gracious cooperation of the German Province he is also helping out part time in the archives until 2003. He is familiar to the readers of our website for the number of articles he has written the last being our series XXth Century SCJ Martyrs.Canada
In light of the ongoing work to unify Canada into a single scj entity by June 2002 the general superior with the consent of his council took the following steps:
Prolonged the term of the provincial superior of Anglo Canada (Peter McKenna) until June 24, 2002; and fixed the date, June 24, 2002, for the end of the term of the regional superior (Maurice Légaré) of the French Canadian Region.
Argentina - Uruguay Mario F. Nuñez, who was ordained to the priesthood on April 21, 2001. You may learn more about him on the AU website by going to: www.dehonianos.org.ar/mario.htmGermanyPoland
On April 22, 2001 in the chapel of the scholasticate at Stadniki the following made their perpetual profession:
- Wojciech Adamczyk
- Jan Kry´sciak
- Dariusz Mroczek
- Marcin Pilat
On April 18, 2001, the superior general with the consent of his council appointed August Hülsmann for a second term as provincial superior of the German Province (GE). According to local practice a consultation will now take place to select his council.
The first All Asian SCJ Justice & Peace Conference will take place May 23-31, 2001 at Bogor, Indonesia. The theme of the conference will be to follow up on the Recifé General Conference held in May of last year. Carlos Alberto da Cosata Silva (CU) will represent the general administration. For more information please contact:
Fr. c. Kristianto, scj
Rumah Damai Dehon
Jl. KH. Barlian KM. 7
Palembang, 30517 (Indonesia)
email: krist.scj@telkom.netYouth Ministry
David Jackson passed on another response he received regarding youth ministry work in the congregation. This one is from Javier Luengo.
Hi David. Sorry for my English. I was in the States three years ago and I've
not practiced since then.I'll try to answer your questions.
I work in a seminary. It is a boarding school for teenagers from ages 14 to 18. The last class (18 years old) is our postulancy year. The students live here the whole week, and we have a lot of activities for them. We are two kilometers from the city, it allows us to create a very nice atmosphere.
If you want to know more and to see some pictures you can visit our web
page. www.scj.esAnyway we work in some other places as well. Write to Valeriano Gomez and Raúl
Calabuig for more information.Good luck.
luengo.alba@esic.esSeminario Medio San Jerónimo
Ctra. Galinduste, s/n
E-37800 Alba de Tormes
The Province of Chile has sent the email addresses of the two scjs responsible for youth ministry in their province. They have been added to the list first published on the April 7, 2001 news page. Please link here for an updated copy: SCJ Youth Ministry Email Addresses
born: 26.12.1915
first profession: 29.09.1933
ordination: 28.06.1942
died: 17.04.2001 at Monza![]()
born: 30.01.1916
first profession: 01.10.1937
ordination: 20.05. 1944
died: 20.04.2001 at Greenfield, WI