29 September 2001
Email UpdateMarcello Matté (IS) forwarded the followiing two email address for Bologna I (CED)
webmaster@dehoniane.it (a more general address which may also be used)
New Links
There is a new webpage on the history of the chapel of the Monastery of Hazebrouck, France which should be of interest to students of the life of our founder Fr. Leo John Dehon as he spent several years in Hazebrouck as a student. We will add this link to our links page:
Seminário de Corupá
We invite all dehonians and their frieds to visit our new website at: http://www.seminariodecorupa.com.br . Your suggestions are most welcome.
From the Community of the Seminary at Corupá
We are posting the second set of documents from the Dehonian Educators Conference held in early July in Salamanca, Spain.
Summaries -- 2 MESA REDONDA
Please note: These documents are presented only in their original language.
ChileWe have received the Sixth Cronicle from Ancud written in August it tells the story of the community of Chilote (CF. Ancud 6).
NB We hope to have the English translation posted by next week.
The following novices from the Spanish Province will make their first vows on September, 29th in Salamanca:
Also congratulations the following
candidates who entered the novitiate in Salamanca on September 14th:
Alberto Garlínez will make his final profession of vows on September 29th in the parish of San Miguel Arcángel in Craracas.
South Brazil
Fr. General and Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (CU) on their recent visit to South Brazil are pictured here with the students and staff at the house for candates.
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The Spanish SCJs celebrated
the first Eucharistic Liturgy of Blessed Juan Maria de la Cruz,
an scj priest and martyr. September 22nd
is the new pontifical feast day of the 233 Martyrs of Valencia who were
beatified on March 11, 2001.
Many religious, laity, representatives from the houses of the Spanish SCJ Province and former alumni gathered at the tomb of Blessed Juan at our seminary of Puente La Reina (Navarra). Several students of Fr. Juan Maria were also present, who at the time of his martyrdom were 15 years old. Fr. Juan's nephew and other family members from Avila were also present. Fr. General was the principal celebrant, and in his opening remarks he thanked the Lord for giving our first martyr to the Dehonian Family. His saintly life is an example to us all. In his homily, after recounting the life and spiritual journey of Fr. Juan, Fr. General underlined the importance of his example to the entire Dehonian Family. The Church by approving the charism of our founder Leo John Dehon has proposed it as a way to sanctity in the Church. In the beatification of Fr. Juan Maria our Dehonian charism is affirmed as a way to holiness in the Church. Now all members of the Dehonian Family can be assured of living their baptismal commitment according to the charism of Fr. Dehon is truly a road to holiness. When Fr Juan Maria was at Puente la Rein (1927 to 1936) he was responsible for the economic well being of the seminary and for gathering new vocations. Now we propose to proclaim him in the congregation as our patron of vocation ministry. prepared by Umberto Chiaraello (CU) NB For the life of Fr. Juan Maria de la Cruz we invite you to visit the series SCJ Martyrs of the XX Century. |
+Fr. James Steffes US
born 04.09.1935
first profession: 08.09.1954
ordained: 17.02.1963
died: 22.09.2001 at Houston, TXFr. James D. Steffes, scj died on Saturday, September 22, 2001 in Houston Texas. He was at the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe where he was pastor and where he had served since 1987. Fr. Steffes was 66 years old.
As a member of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Fr. Steffes served in several important capacities in this community throughout his lifetime: Novice Master, Formation Director, member of the Provincial Council, and professor at Sacred Heart School of Theology in Hales Corners, WI. After a first year of parochial service at Our Lady of Guadalupe in East Chicago, IN, he also ministered in a number of parishes in Texas: at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Raymondville TX, as pastor of St. Lawrence in San Antonio TX., and finally in Houston.
Born to Paul and Anna (Belka) Steffes in Milwaukee, Fr. Steffes attended parochial schools in Milwaukee and then Divine Heart Seminary in Indiana for his primary and secondary education. Professed a religious on September 8, 1954, he did his undergraduate education at Kilroe Seminary in Honesdale PA and completed his priestly education at the Gregorian University in Rome from which he obtained a licentiate in Sacred Theology in 1963. That same year he was ordained priest on February 17, 1963.
After two years of high school teaching, Fr. Jim successfully undertook graduate studies in philosophy at St. Louis University from which he obtained an M.A. Subsequent studies at Loyola University in Chicago resulted in another M.A., this time in anthropology.
While at St. Lawrence parish in San Antonio Fr. Steffes conceived a way of sharing the spiritual heritage of Leo John Dehon, founder of the community of which Fr. Jim was a member, and founded a Christian movement called: Dehon Family Associates which has spread to a number of parishes in Texas, Wisconsin, and Indiana.
Fr. Steffes is survived by a sister, Irene Jordan of Menominee Falls and by nieces Paula Ann and Leah Hope. Surviving relatives also include Ronald, Robert, and Richard Steffes.
There will be an opportunity for viewing on Monday and Tuesday at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Houston from 5:00-10:00PM and on Tuesday from 9:00 to 4:00 PM at Crespo Funeral Home, 2516 Navigation Blvd. Bishop Joseph Fiorenza will preside at a Mass of Christian Burial on Wednesday morning at 10:00AM. A wake service will also be held at Sacred Heart Monastery/School of Theology at Hales Corners, WI on Thursday evening at 7:00PM followed on Friday at 10:30AM with a Mass of Christian Burial prior to interment.
+Fr. Remo Zanol MZ
Born: 30.07.1935
First Professin: 29.09.1954
Ordained: 28.06.1964
Died: 22.09.2001 at Capriana (Trento - Italia)Fr. Remo Zanol was born at Caprina, a small village in the province of Trento on July 30, 1935. After attending the minor seminary at Trento. After high school he went to the novitiate at Albisola where he made his first profession on September 29, 1954. He did his college studies at Monza and theology at Bologna where he was ordained a priest on July 28, 1964 by Cardinal Lercaro along with his classmates including several Portuguese scjs. Together with his classmate Fr. Ezio Toller on September 8th of the same year they received their mission cross from Fr. Manredi the provincial superior and were sent to Portugal for a year to prepare for work in Mozambique.
From 1965 to his death he dedicated his life to serving as a missionary serving in the following posts:
1965 -1966: Quelimane
1967 -1968: Gilè
1968 -1980 -- Ile
1980 -1984 --Molocuè (superior)
1984 -1985 -- Quelimane
1985 -1988 -- Molocuè (superior)
After a sabbatical year in Rome at the International College in 1988 - 1989 he returned to Mozambique to continue his work.
1989 -1992 -- Molocuè (superior)
1992 -1996 -- Quelimane (Sagrada Familia parish)
1996 - 2001 -- Molocuè
His sudden death took place in his home village on the morning of September 22, 2001 where he was spending his holidays with his family in preparation for his return to work in Mozambique.
In a letter he wrote to an Italian Catholic magazine he described his work at the end of 2000 in the following way. "I am a missionary from Trento in Mozambique for 35 years. In Mozambique we have had eight years of peace, sixteen years of civil war after ten years of war for independence. Because of recent flooding many people are suffering, losing all, even life itself...
I dedicate all to the work of vocation ministry because we no longer receive missionaries from Europe. This year we have two new priests in my mission here at Molocuè as well as six sisters who have professed their first vows....
I hold vocation meetings twice a month together with a sister. We first contact the school to find out who among the young students may be interested in religious life or priesthood. At present there are 19 in the group. I am very pleased and I am sure more will join.
This year at my mission there were 5,000 baptisms, 3000 babies and children and 2000 adults. In addition we've had over a thousand weddings. If the world ended tomorrow who would have believed it."
The sacrifice of this missionary have already proved to be a source of new vocations for Mozambique