8 June 2002
Dehonian Year Week XVI
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the congregation
Posted to the Letters & Documents page is a letter from Fr. General announcing the creation of the new Canadian Region (CAN - Regio Nullius Provinciae) and two districts, Byelorussia (BIA) and Moldavia-Ukraine (MUK) dependent on Poland (cf. Prot. 163/2002).
CanadaSCJs from Canada, Virginio Bressanelli, superior general, Thomas Cassidy, general councilor responsible for Canada, and several SCJs from the US Province marked the establishment of the new Region of Canada (CAN). The new regional team took office at a vespers ceremony on the eve of the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Fr. General was principle celebrant and homilist for the Feast of the Sacred Heart Liturgy in which all SCJs present renewed their vows. The celebrations were held at Dehon House in Ottawa.
Deacon Justin Razafindrakoto, from the Region of Madagascar, will be ordained to the Pristhood, on June 9, 2002, at Imerimandroso, by Mons. Gaetano di Pierro, scj. He is the second SCJ from Madagascar to be ordained.
Poland - New Districts
By decree of 07.06.2002 the general Superior erected two Districts, depending on the Polish province. The first is MUK (Moldavia+Ukraine). The first Polish SCJs went to Moldavia in 1990 and to Ukraine in 1997. The new District of MUK counts 11 priests (1 from Moldavia), 2 brothers (1 from Ukraine and 1 from Moldavia). There are 5 professed clerics from Moldavia, 4 from Ukraine and 1 from Romania.
The second district is BIA (Belarus). The first Polish SCJs came to Belarus in 1990. Today there are 11 SCJs working in 10 parishes of three dioceses. There are 3 professed clerics from Belarus and 1 from Russia, as well as a brother from Russia. (cf. Prot. 163/2002).
The General Superior, with the consent of his Counsel, appointed a new provincial administration for the Spanish province:
Superior Provincial: Fr. Julián Arroyo de la Rosa, (1st triennium)
1° Provincial councilor: Fr. Joaquín Izurzu Satrústegui,
2° Provincial councilor: Fr. Javier Larrea Pascal,
3° Provincial councilor: Fr. José Luis Munilla Martínez,
4° Provincial councilor: Fr. Valeriano Gómez Reolid.
South Brazil
The parish of São José, in Botuverá (BM), founded by the SCJs, is celebrating its 90th anniversary on June 9, 2002. The parish of Botuverá is one of the oldest parishes served by SCJs in Brazil and one of those that have given many vocations to the Province. At present there are about 20 SCJs from this parish.
While Czeslaw Konior (PO) is in Poland attending to health care issues, Evaristo Alegría (HI) is appointed administrator of Roma II. Alegría served two terms as superior of Rome II during the second term of Fr. Panteghini as superior general. He is currently assistant postulator.
The weekly Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar starts on May 31st. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents sectionDehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 14.06.2002 to 20.06.2002
Feast of the Sacred Heart June 7, 2002