14 September 2002
Dehonian Year Week XXIX
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
Justice & Peace
Mary Gorski, director of communications for the US Province, will be attending the Justice & Peace conference in Montréal (October 1 - 10, 2002) as a journalist for the congregation. She will be publishing daily reports on the meeting, similar to what she did at both the last general chapter and the general conference in Recife. Her reports will be written in English, we hope to provide translations in both French and Italian. While we will post these reports on our website we also will send them via email directly to those interested parties. The email method was used at the XXth General Chapter and has the advantage of being received in a more timely manor. Those wishing to receive these email reports please send your email address and preferred language (English, French or Italian) to Mary Gorski at: mgorski@execpc.com
NB Please send your email address on or before September 27, 2002.
Chile - citizenshipSenators Juan Antonio Coloma (UDI) and Jaime Gazmuri (PS) presented a motion granting, by special grace, Chilean nationality to Fr. Teodoro van Grieken Belt of Holland, who during his 40 years of service in Chile has labored on behalf of children, young people and the destitute.
from Hernan Leemrijse (CH)
Finland - Region Meets
Zdzislaw Huber, our webmaster, has prepared a report on several recent events held in the Finish region, including the retirement of Fr. Jan Koolen who will be returning to Holland, as well as his own transfer from St. Mary's in Helsinki to the parish at Jyväskylä.
Italy - ordinations
On September 14th, in the cathedral of Bologna, deacons of Stefano Zamboni and Renzo Zambotti of the North Italian Province will be ordained to the priesthood.
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 15.09.02 -21.09.02