16 February 2002
CanadaJohn Van Damme, a regular reader of SCJ News, sent the following note:
This is the place Ben Ros SCJ died [05.19.1995, London, Ontario]. He was found dead in a chair watching TV. Some deadly program. I am pastor here now. Our website is hrlondon.rcec.london.on.ca. After my 6 years appointment and building the new church in Glencoe I was appointed here. It is nice being in the city again.
John C. Van DammeGeneral Chapter
21st General Chapter Preparatory Text is now available on our site in all languages (including Italian).We will also post this page to the Letters and Documents section for easy reference.
CongratulationsNorth Brazil
Alexsandro Fernandes Ferreira Marinho and Marcos Antonio Alves da Silva, of the North Brazilian Province, who will take final vows on February 22, 2002, at Igarassu, PE.
South Brazil
Paulo Vanderlei Riffel, Ari João Erthal and Cláudio Márcio Piontkewicz, of the South Brazilian Province, who will take final vows on February 16, 2002 at Nova Candelária, RS, and will be ordained to the diaconate, on February 17th, at Boa Vista do Buricá, RS.
Levi dos Anjos Ferreira, Claudinei Vicente de Moura and Ronilton Souza de Araújo, also of the South Brazilian Province, who will take final vows on February 23, 2002, at Lavras, MG, and will be ordained deacons on February 24, also at Lavras MG.
Several of our Finish SCJs had the opportunity to take a short winter break in Lapland near the Arctic Circle. In the spirit of We the congregation in service to the mission they sent along several photos to share with our readers of what's it like to be on top of the world in the dead of winter.
Umberto Chiarello (CU) left Rome on February 9th for a visit to the Franco European Province. Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (CU) returns from his visit to Latin America on February 18th.
On Thursday, February 14, 2002, the Rome I & II communities traveled to Loretto to mark the 125th anniversary of the birth of the congregation and the start of a Dehonian Year of study and celebration in honor of that event.
D. Angelo Comastri, Archbishop of Loretto, Fr. General and Fr. Valentino Agostino Lanfranchi (IS)
February 14th recalls 125 years ago that Fr. Dehon visited the Marian Shrine of Loretto (Italy) and received the inspiration and desire to found our Congregation, an act that was fulfilled the following year when he professed first vows on 06/28/1878. This could be a good occasion to begin the Dehonian Year, lasting from 02/14/02 until 06/28/03, a year in spirit with the theme of our next General Chapter: "Reaffirm our particular apostolic charism in facing the challenges of our era". [CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S: UNDER A SIGN OF FRAGILITY, FRATERNITY AND HOPE ]
CF Father Dehon at Loretto by, Fr. P.J. McGuire, SCJ of the Dehon Study Center which was published in this week's Fridge Notes.
22nd Meeting of the Alumni of St. John's College
In his talk, Fr. Regault complained about the low attendance. This did not seem to bother Fr. Dehon, whose generous heart was always open to blessing those absent rather than condemn them. Fr. Dehon spoke on three points that could bring danger to France as a country, to the people, and as a threat to their liberty.