18 May 2002
Dehonian Year Week XIII
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the congregation
Central StudiesPosted this week to our new Dehoniana section is Dehoniana 2002-1, typical edition. Please note, the typical edition has just been received from the printers and is now in the process of being mailed out. We will add the other editions as they become available to us.
New Website
The Sacred Heart Center in Eagle Butte has a new website: http://www.shconline.org . The following information from their website esplains the purpose of the center:
The Sacred Heart Center is a private, community-wide service organization, founded in 1982 by the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, and incorporated under the South Dakota Nonprofit Corporation Act. For more information on the worldwide community of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, please go to www.scj.org.
The Sacred Heart Center's Mission is to eradicate violence and oppressive practices within the family and society and to support and empower both individuals and families striving for balanced, non-violent lives.
Our programs focus on persons experiencing physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Services include an Adolescent Group Care Facility, a Domestic Violence Shelter, and a thrift store.
The Sacred Heart Center educates the community and challenges systems to promote justice and non-violence through social and spiritual development.
Beppe and his sister Cristiana and his parents Giuseppina & Giorgio PierantoniFr. Evaristo Martínez de Alegría (HI) passed on this photo of Fr. Giuseppe Pierantoni and his family taken shortly after his arrival at the Generalate in Rome.
Latin America
We have received the final document from the first meeting of young scjs of Latin America held at Jaraguá do Sul , Brazil last month. The document, 1er ENCUENTRO DE JÓVENES RELIGIOSOS DEHONIANOS DE AMÉRICA LATINA, is available only in Spanish
United States
On May 18, 2002 Charles Wonch was ordained to the priesthood at St. Peter's Cathedral, Jackson, Mississippi, by Bishop William Houck, bishop of Jackson. Charles is a member of the scj pastoral team serving the Lower Brule and Crow Creek Reservations in South Dakota.
Deacon Charles "Chuck" Wonch returns to his home diocese of Jackson May 18 for his ordination to the priesthood. A member of the Priests of the Sacred Heart since 1997, Dn. Chuck is 55. He was ordained to the diaconate last December.
Although he was born in Washington State, Dn. Chuck considers Mississippi -- where he lived for 26 years - to be home. After serving in the Air Force, Dn. Chuck moved to Crystal Springs and earned a bachelor's degree in business management from Jackson State University. He later earned a master's in theological studies from Spring Hill College in Mobile, Ala. In 2001, Dn. Chuck completed a master's in divinity from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.
As a seminary student, Dn. Chuck was active in local parish activities, including RCIA and liturgy planning, and in various social outreach programs in Chicago's inner city.
Before completing his studies at CTU, Dn. Chuck spent a year ministering on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation in South Dakota. It's a ministry he was anxious to return to full-time last year. Besides parish ministry on the Crow Creek and Lower Brule reservations, Dn. Chuck has also taught English and computer skills at the local junior college.
"God has opened many new paths for me and I hope that I will always be able to continue to serve as He leads me," said Dn. Chuck.
Bishop William Houck, DD, bishop of Jackson, will be the ordaining bishop and principal presider. The ordination liturgy will take place at St. Peter's Cathedral in Jackson.
Dn. Chuck is one of two priesthood candidates to be ordained during the Mass. He will be joined by a deacon from the diocese of Jackson.
provided by Mary Gorski
US SCJ Office of CommunicationsSacred Heart School of Theology
US News & World Report ran an article in their May 15, 2002 issue titled An Older Order Will more mature clergy save the Catholic priesthood?, featuring Sacred Heart School of Theology. US News & World Report is one of the three major news weekly magazines in the United States together with Time and Newsweek magazines.
HALES CORNERS, WIS.-- In many ways, Tom Mescall cuts the classic figure of a junior seminarian. Earnest and thoughtful, Mescall grew up in the Roman Catholic Church. As a youngster, he served as an altar boy. Since then, he has helped out around the parish whatever way he could. He admits that he struggles with his studies but not with the faith that brought him to a life of prayer and scholarship at suburban Milwaukee's Sacred Heart School of Theology. After ordination, Mescall hopes, parishioners back in Chicago will see him as just another priest, a good man doing good work....
The weekly Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar starts on May 24th. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents sectionDehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 24.05.2002 to 30.05.2002
This week we present the last installment of Fr. Egidio Driedonkx 's (CH) study: THE PRESENCE OF FATHER DEHON IN THE MEETINGS WITH THE ALUMNI OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE FROM SAN QUENTIN (1884-1924). Fr. Egidio is a member of general curia staff in Rome.
In the first place, attention was given to the great esteem that the alumni had for Fr. Dehon, their elderly Superior and professor. Some still considered him the Superior of the College. For others, he was TEACHER in capital letters. He is seen as an untiring worker, austere thinker, with the fire of an apostle. His personality reflects what it means to be a priest at the end of the 19th century and from his work, the SOCIAL CHRISTIAN MANUAL. They value his love for humble people. He has given all of himself: his fortune, strength, and freedom that no one could deny. He is a man of optimism. No difficulty weakens him. He is also a MAN OF PRAYER. The alumni appreciate his visits to them and his attendance at their annual meetings in spite of his busy schedule....