26 October 2002
Dehonian Year Week XXXV
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
ChileThe province of Chile has a new website at: http://www.dehonianos.cl . Your comments and suggestions will be appreciated. This link will be added to our scj links page.
Latin American Lay Dehonians
Vicente Arroyo, coordinator of Lay Dehonians for Latin America, wrote saying that they now have their own website: www.ladiferencia.cl/laicosdehonianos . This link will be added to our links page.
France -- a response to the mystery?Last week we published this photo asking who this saint was in the chapel at Hazebrouck where Fr. Dehon studied as a young man. Chris Jenkins (BH) believes it is Noah, who has from time to time been portrayed in a monks habit. Chris says, the beard and baldness are his chief indicators. If you can offer a concurring or contrary opinion please contact: jean-michel.saus@wanadoo.fr. We would, of course, appreciate a 'cc' to our website (tomc@scj.org) as well.
Click here for a larger view
Rome - comings and goings
Provincial - regional - district chapters find Zolile Mpambani in Africa, Tom Cassidy in England, Richard Mis in Poland and Umberto Chiaraello in Italy for chapters. Rome welcomes back Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva from North America.
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 28.10.02 -03.11.02
+ Fra. Stephanus Yusuf Tahanta IN (Scholastic)born: 06.02.1977
professed: 01.08.1998
died: 23.05.2002 at Kotabumi, IndonesiaNB Due to a communications breakdown this death, which occurred in May, was not officially reported to Rome until last week. We regret the long delay in notification.