28 September 2002
Dehonian Year Week XXXI
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
Justice & PeaceA reminder the SCJ Montréal Justice and Peace Conference begins on October 1st if you wish to receive daily email reports from the conference and have not sent your email address to Mary Gorski at mgorski@execpc.com please do so. Please specify your language preference from English, French or Italian.
Austria- Crotia (ACR) - New SuperiorFr. Wladislaw Mach was appointed the new regional superior for ACR (Austria-Croatia), his three year term began on September 1st.
First vows
On September 29th, novices in Spain and South Italy will make their first professions.
In Salamanca, (HI), the newly professed are:
In Vitorchiano (IM) the newly professed are:
North Brazil - XI chapter report
Marcos Alves de Lima hard at work at BS 11th provincial chapter*
On the evening of September 16th the North Brazilian Province began its 11th provincial chapter with the celebration of the Eucharist with Tarcíso Pereira de Paiva, provincial superior, presiding. The chapter work began the next day with 37 members of the province participating. The chapter concluded on the 19th of September with a liturgy celebrated by Carlos Alberto da Silva Costa from the general council.During the seven working sessions the following topics were discussed:
1. The response of the province to the working document prepared for the XXIst General Chapter.
2. Motions 2, 8 and 9 from the last general chapter accepted.
3. The provincial's report to the province.
4. The financial report to the province.
5. Election of the delegates the the XXIst General Chapter
delegates: Andres Vital Félix Da Silva and Marcos Alves de Limaalternates: Mayan Renato of Ataíde and Miguel Baptist).
6. The chapter agreed to continue it's mission work and delegated the provincial superior to work with the Argentine-Uruguay Province to evaluate the presence of scjs from North Brazil working in Uruguay.
7. The chapter also opted to continue the practice of having the provincial administration chose the provincial treasurer who shall also be a member of the provincial council.
8. A discussion of the educational ministries in North Brazil asking that a dossier be prepared by a group of province educators.
9. Changes to the Provincial Directory:
dp 121: the election of provincial and council reserved to members in perpetual vowsdp 124: modification of the provincial chapter which in the future will be by representation
The chapter was carried out in a civil and coridal climate even during debates in which members held various opinions.
from Luis Carlos
20.09.02*Link here to photos from the chapter.
Rome - Ongoing Formation
On September 16th the Spanish language program of ongoing formation began at the International College. This time it is for Spanish speakers. The program is coordinated by Francisco Sehnem (BM). There are 19 SCJs taking part
The program runs through the end of October.
United States
Congratulations to Alphonse Yema, a member of the Congolese Province (CO) ordained to the diaconate by the retired auxiliary bishop of Joliet (Illinois) Roger Kaffer on Wednesday, September 18. Alphonse is a student in the ESL (English as a Second Language) program at Sacred Heart School of Theology. With the kind permission of Bishop Kaffer, auxiliary bishop of Joliet we are posting his ordination homily.
Adding Italian to...
Last week we posted an early history of the SCJs in the United States first published in 1998 sent to us by Wayne Jenkins, province archivist. It covers the founding years by German scjs from 1924 to 1933. We now have added an Italian language version to our site.
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 29.09.02 -06.10.02