30 November 2002
Dehonian Year Week XL
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
Week of Advent
Year B of the Liturgical Calendar
164 days to the start of the
Updated General Chapter ListThe list of delegates and alternates to the XXIst general chapter has been updated and posted to the general chapter page:
Membri del XXI° Capitolo Generale - 30.11.2002
ChaptersWith the conclusion of the Mozambique provincial chapter on November 29th and the Portuguese provincial chapter on the 30th brings to an end this phase of preparation for the XXIst general chapter scheduled to begin on May 12, 2003, at Rome.
Note, the District of India will hold a second session of their district chapter in December and the South Italian Province will likewise have a second session of their provincial chapter after the first of the Year.
North Italy - chapter delegates
At it's recently concluded provincial chapter the following were elected to the XXIst general chapter:
Angelo Arrighini
Bruno Scuccato
Rinaldo Paganelli
Francesco Bottacin
Giampietro Brunet
Giacomo Cesano
Madagascar - chapter delegates
The regional chapter in Madagascar completed its work on November 1, 2002, and elected the following to the general chapter:
P. Giuseppe Potenza
P. Luís Ernesto Miranda Nogueira
Philippine - new postulants
The 14 PHI postulants at BacolodOn November 8th in the garage of our House of Formation, which we turned into a temporary chapel, we accepted seven of our young seminarians as postulants. Three come from Vietnam and four from the Philippines. They are in addition to seven other postulants we admitted last yea,r who will begin their novitiate in March of 2003. The new group just admitted will begin their novitiate in 2004, God willing.
from Rino Venturin (PHI)
10.11.2003View an additional photo here.
South Italy - justice & peace
The Justice & Peace Commission of the South Italian Province (IM) met recently in Rome and drew up the following statement (available in Italian):
Impegno Sociale IM
Wiercx - Remembering
Michael van der Peet (US) was kind enough to translate into English the Dutch text published on our website the week of November 16th honoring the memory of Reinier Bernard Joseph Wiercx (CI) who died on October 4, 2002.
In Memoriam Fr. Reinier Bernard Joseph Wiercx, scj
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 02.12.02 -08.12.02