Dehonian Year Week XXVII
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
CEFA - a mystery solvedThere has been confusion over the "NGO known as CEFA" and it's relation to the scjs. Thanks to a letter dated August 10, 2002 by Padre Angelo Cavagna, scj, to the office of the general secretary we hope to lay to rest the confusion. We also want to thank Vidimus Dominum for their assistance in resolving this matter (cf. Bagnarola (BO) 10 agosto 2002).
AngolaFr. José Ornelas Carvalho, provincial superior of Portugal together with Fr. Onorio Matti, provincial superior of Mozambique, visited Angola from August 6 to August 21, 2002. They have completed a report on their visit. The conclusion recommends that the congregation enters the country. During the XXI general chapter provincial superiors directly interested in that mission should agree to make a commitment to send the first SCJs to Luanda, the capital, as well to the Diocese of Luena. Luanda concentrates one third of the population of the country because of the millions of refugees of a war that lasts 42 years around October or November of 2003.
At the novitiate of Saint Gabriel-Kisangani, on July 14, 2002, the following were admitted to the novitiate:
- Moko Bengusa Jean-Bernard
- Mafutala Lizinga Jean
- Mbasi Mbula Michel
- ManiaMonga Kpuluka Gustave
- Paluku Musay Jean-Claude
- Mokonzi Makindo Jean-Pierre
- Kirubi Bukalesi Jean-Sylvano
- Twala Mawala Antoine
- Tabiaki Tandele Rufin
- Boaba Makola Charles
On the same day 20 scjs studying philosophy at the Scolasticate Philosophique P. Dehon at Kisangani and one brother at Kinshasa renewed their vows.
At the novitiate of Saint Gabriel-Kisangani, on July 15, 2002, the following made their first profession of vows:
- Jebona Joseph
- Bolobo Sikeke David
- Otete Okita Sergey Daniel
- Lyabwenda Bienvenu
- Lokandja Otshudi Thomas
- Isikisiki Ayaka Emmanuel
- Sombo Baelongandi Augustin
- Safari Kolekwa Egide
On August 11, 2002 at Kinshasa the following made their perpetual profession of vows:
- Lulendu N‚dotoni Gustave (scholastic)
- Bolimo Lokele Innocent (brother)
In addition one scholastic and two brothers renewed their vows.
On August 12 in the parish of St. Marthe (Kinangani) the following made their final profession of vows:
- Likunde Mokololia Jean-Lambert
- Masudi Titiyenga Jean-paul
- Aloma Simba Marc
In addition one scholastic renewed vows.
received from Prêtres du Sacré-Coeur
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 01.09.02 - 07.09.02
+Br. Hubert Jung EFborn: 22.04.1935
first profession: 06.01.1957
died: 25.08.2002 at Metz, France