The report "JUSTITIA ET PAX" DANS LA PROVINCE DU CAMEROUN II (Justitia et Pax in the Province of Cameroon II) has been posted. At the moment it is available in French, Italian and Portuguese. The English will be posted as soon as it is received, and a notice to that affect will be posted here (cf. Cameroon II).The region of Austria - Croatia (ACR) has an email address: It has been posted to our Links page.
We repeat here the actions taken by the SCJ Major Superiors regarding the Congo.
During the course of the ten day meeting the delegate from the Democratic Republic of the Congo spoke of the of the situation in there. The three superiors of North America at the urging of the General Superior suggested a three step approach which was adopted by the assembly:
In addition to the original French and English text an Italian version has been added (cf. Congo/Italian).
- Write a letter to our confreres in the Congo expressing our solidarity and support.
- Write a letter to the congregation urging them to unite with our brothers in the Congo and proclaiming November 30, 1998 as an International Dehonian Day of Solidarity with the people of the Congo.
- Suggest Dehonians around the world write their government leaders to urge them to bring about a peaceful settlement to the situation so that the people can live in peace and improve the quality of their lives.
The following was received from the provincial secretary of the Indonesian Province, Herru Atmaja.A Catholic Institute of Higher Learning was established in Palembang, Indonesia in 1992. MUSI Institute, provides two schools:
1) School of Technology consisting of
2) School of Business consisting of:
- School of Industrial Engineering
- School of Architects
The Institute belongs to the diocese of Palembang. Several scjs are involved in this project. The first class of six students graduated on August 15, 1998 from the School of Technology. While the first class of 35 students graduated from the School of Business on November 7, 1998. There are a total of 2314 students enrolled at MUSI. Fr. FX Herru Atmaja (IN) is President of this foundation.
- School of Management
- School of Accounting
During the ten days of the Meeting of Major Superiors (November 2 -13, 1998) the scj web site ( recorded a record 1000 hits.
The following text is taken from the letter to the dehonian family from the meeting of SCJ Major Superiors at Rome (cf. The Congo):It is in this spirit that we convoke November 30, 1998 as an International Dehonian Day of Solidarity with the people of the Congo. This day is of special significant because in the month of November 1964 many of our confreres gave their lives for the people of the Congo.
Communion, solidarity and participation by all was the gift of the Spirit that found a home in our gathering. I experienced new life, truth telling, transparency and a genuine compassion for the heart of the other. Difficult dialogues, connected us in trust and in hope to one another. As we struggled with many questions that were previously 'undiscussable' we let We the Congregation emerge in our hearts and minds.Father Bressanelli provocatively reminded us that in service to the mission is the challenge of Leo Dehon to go to the streets of today - to invite all to the banquet table, especially those forgotten in the list drawn up by the world. The voices of the suffering people of the Congo stirred us to make a heartfelt commitment to make a difference for the poor and those most vulnerable.
We spent extensive and exhausting time with the document Structures of the Congregation and Forms of Government. It became apparent that meaningful restructuring is a slow process involving much time, effort and ownership by all. Grieving for what has been familiar must occur, fears must be allowed expression and opportunities must be given for becoming acquainted with new people whose lives will bear on one's own through restructuring. The language of restructuring speaks of a juridical framework, but our meeting here in Rome brought the human element to this conversation.
Yes, for our days together there was a sense of belonging to something bigger than ourselves and a sense of Leo John Dehon walking with us and challenging us to live passionately and with compassion We the Congregation in Service of Mission.
Peter McKenna (CA)13 Nov.1998
Photo provided by the South Italian Province (Fr. Pala is on the right) The following in information provided by Fr. Giacomo Casolino (IM), provincial superior, on the life of Fr. Giusto Pala who died on November 5, 1998, at S. Antonio Abate, Italy
Before he was ordained Italy was still on province and its students did their college studies in Pagliare, Foligno, Monza and their theological studies at the International College in Rome, at the end of which they received a Doctoral Degree in Dogmatic Theology. the topic of his thesis was: "the Resurrection of the Dead in Modern Theology."
In the first years of his priesthood he was a teacher in the Middle High School in Pagliare and in our college at Foligno. At the same time he was entrusted with the office of Provincial Director of Studies.
From 1961 to 1993 he was in Naples handling various activities: Director of the magazine "Messis" (for 10 years), Secretary of the Missions (for 6 years), part of the staff of Edizione Dehoniane, and of special significance, in 1974 he founded the non - governmental organization (NGO) called Laici Terzo Mondo (The Laity of the third World), which he directed until the time of his death.
He was entrusted with responsibilities that pertained to the internal ministry of the province such as local superior, provincial councilor (for 15 years) and provincial superior (for 6 years).
He was held in high esteem by the many people who recognized his refined and academic background which he dedicated to the service of the Word, with a special preference for dehonian spirituality. He was a man of high morals and principles. The many people (including the Bishop of the diocese, priests from the area, his confreres and the laity) who packed the church for his funeral Mass were a tribute to him.
English translation byJohn Czyzynski (US)