This week we completed one year of ministering in the south of Chile on the island of Chiloé*. We officially took over Seminario Conciliar de Ancud on March 14, 1997, and the parish a day later on March 15th. We can say that we are pleased. At present there are five of us here: Three in the parish: Hernán Leemryse, Jaime Sanchez and Juan Gamboa; and two in the school: Enrique Merks and Luis Palma.The school is 154 years old. Luis Palma serves as rector and Enrique Merks as chaplain, with the aid of Jaime Sancez, who serves part time on the school's pastoral staff.
In the parish we recently presented a pastoral plan after one year of exploring and testing our possibilities. The parish is immense containing 36 chapels in the country side and 12 in the city for a total of 48. One of our new proposals is to divide the parish into six zones with mobile pastoral formation teams for each zone. Each team would be composed of a priest, sister, some lay workers, who would serve as ministers of the word, catechists, etc. Each priest would take two zones, the ideal would be to have one for each zone, but we're happy that there are at least the three of us.
One of the first tasks of the teams is to get to know well each community, understanding their major difficulties, as well as their possibilities. In the past year we were only able to visit each community once a month to celebrate a Mass. That's not nearly enough to implement a system of evangelization and formation. Relying solely on sacramental practices is not enough in a good system of formation and mission.
We are aware that it is not possible to change things over night, but at a minimum we want to emphasize our presence in the communities, especially in the rural areas.
Finally, we received reinforcements last November when Juan Gamboa, newly ordained, arrived bringing with him much enthusiasm for his work, especially with the young. Family ministry also occupies much of his attention.
We hope that these first impression will give you some idea of the work of your fellow scjs in this part of the Southern Hemps here. In February two priests from Argentina were here, and last December we had a group of Paulists from Brazil, and, of course, fellow Chileans have come by. Please note visitors are always welcome.
Greetings to allby Hernán Leemryse, scj*Editors Note: The Island of Chiloé is about as far south of the equator as Rome or Chicago are north of the equator. The two principle cities are Ancud and Castro.
+ Fr. Hendrik Vicente SPAAN (BS) who died on March 21, 1998
- Born on March 31, 1914
- First Profession September 8, 1936
- Ordained November 30, 1941
- Died at Recife (Brazil)
Last week the new page Justitia et Pax was added to our site. A letter from Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva to all provincial, regional and territorial community superiors concerning this page has been posted to the Letters & Documents page, and is available in English, Italian or French. (Cf. Letters & Documents).
Wardjito returned to Rome on March 22nd from travels to the far east. In addition to visiting the Philippines he conducted consultations for a new provincial administration scheduled to take office on July 15, 1998.Fr. General returns to Rome on March 29th from Argentina and later on in the week Ryszard Mis will return to Rome from a month long visit to Poland and Eastern Europe.
The spring General Council Meetings will begin on or about April 1st.
The first edition of Dehoniana Informationes (25 March 1998) of the new year has been posted.[Editors Note: Due to the irregular nature of this publication, we will be taking it off the "frame page" and instead add it to the Letters & Documents page. When new editions are published we will make note of it in the weekly news update.]
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On March 23rd the city of Rome introduced the new #8 rapid tram line running from Largo Argentina to Casaletto (located just south of the Doria Pamphili Park). The new line has created some changes in bus routes affecting travel to and from Roma I. The #65 bus line has been discontinued, and the #31 bus line has been rerouted, so that it no longer travels to Stazione Trastevere.The net affect for visitors to Rome is the need to find alternate bus routes from Stazione Termini and Stazione Trastevere when coming here by train. Suggested routes are:
From Stazione Termini #64 transferring at Via Paola to the #98, #881, or #46/ [note that is the # FORTY-SIX SLASH] to Piazza Pio XI.From Stazione Trastevere #8 tram to Casaletto transferring to either the #31 or #791 bus to Piazza Pio XI.