Letters * Documents * Necrology



Fr. General's letter to the congregation on 23.01.2003

SCJs and their perseverance in the Congregation


Calendario Historico Espiritual
The homily given by Fr. General in Ottawa on the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
- Relatório sobre os factos sucedidos em Mambasa no dia 12 de Outubro de 2002

- Communicato sul Congo N. 3/2002
- Additional information


- The letter of convocation from Fr. General dated April 16, 2001.
- Letter of Fr. General to the US Province (on 11.09.2001)
- Letter of Fr. Provincial to US Province (on 11.09.2001)
- Incontro Internazionale dei Promotori SCJ di Giustizia e Pace
- Message for Dehonian Vocations Day - a letter in honor of Fr. Dehon's birthday (March 14, 1843).

- Fr. General's letter dated December 18, 2000 (Prot. N. 286/2000) to the Dehonian Family officially announcing the beatification on March 11, 2001, of Juan María de la Cruz García Méndez (1891-1936)


XXth Century SCJ Martyrs

Celebrating the First SCJ Beatification: Fr. Juan Garcia Mèndez, scj
(Fr. Juan Garcia Mèndez and the XXth Century SCJ Martyrs in one easy link page)

13.01.01 Introduction
20.02.01 Frs. Josef Benedikt Stoffels and Nicolas Wampach
27.01.01 Fr. Mariano Johannes Garíca Mendez
03.02.01 Fr. Franz Stanislaus Loh
10.02.01 P. Kristiaan Hubertus Muermans
03.03.01 Fr. Nicola Martino Capelli
10.03.01 An Accidental Saint: Fr. Mariano Johannes García Mèndez
17.03.01 Dutch SCJs in Indonesia
24.03.01 SCJs in the Congo
31.03.01 French SCJs in the Cameroon
26.05.01 Fr. Paulo Punt of North Brazil

In honor of the March 11th Beatification of Fr Juan de la Cruz Garcìa Mèndez scj of our Spanish Province (HI) we have been presenting a weekly series on our "SCJ Martyrs of the XXth Century." Stefan Tertünte (GE) using the work of Fr. Bernd Bothe (GE) Märtyrer der Herz-Jesu-Priester (SCJ Martyrs) has prepared this series.

Mission Animators Conference (November 19 - 23, 2001)
- Raduno Degli Animatori Missionari SCJ -- ROMA 2001 Allegato n.1 (Missione in Molti Modi)

- Letter to: Ai Procuratori, Segretari ed Animatori Provinciali/Regionali delle Missioni dated 20.09.2001

 Daily Schedule: Programma del giorno


International Meeting of Dehonian Educators
July, 2001 - Salamanca, Spain
--> main page <--

Major Superiors Meeting November 2001

--> main page <--

Fr. General's opening remarks


- Fr. General's Christmas & New Year Message to the Dehonian Family (dated 21 December 2000).

- On June 30, 2000 the territory of Madagascar became a region nullius provinciae: The letter of the Fr. General dated June 22, 2000

- The Message to the Congregation and the Dehonian Family for the Feast of the Sacred Heart 2000

- A Message for Dehonian Vocations' Day -14.03.2000

- International Meeting of the Dehonian Family in October 2000, a letter from H. Wardjito (CU)

  • SCJ Statistics - Statistiques - Statistiche - 31/08/2000



- l'Archivio Dehoniano - 21 dicembre 1999

- International Encounter of Dehonian Educators - 20 dicembre 1999

- The Christmas and Jubilee Year Message of Fr. General

- Information about the General Visit to the Polish Province

- The letter to the congregation from Fr. General and Umberto Chiarello (CU) - Visit to IM

- The letter from Fr. General for the feast of the Sacred Heart "Witnesses and servants of Reconciliation"

- Fr. General's letter to the group (Cf. Lavras Vocation Conference August 1999)

- A letter from Fr. General about the new status for India and The Philippines .

- Fr. General's letter about the life and contributions of Br. Sylvestro.

- List of newly professed SCJs 1998

- the March 14, 1999 letter from Fr. General
English | Italiano | Français | Português | Español

- The Preparatory Commission for the Meeting of 2000
English | Italiano | Français | Português | Español

- A Road to Build, A Path to Travel for the Years 1999 - 2003
English | Italiano | Français | Português | Español

- Decree of Establishment: New Structures
- General Conference 16-26 May 2000 (also availabe in Portuguese)
- Information on Fr. General's visit to South Africa
- Information on Fr. General's visit to Mozambique

- To Mons. Paul Katticherry


LAVRAS - MG - BRAZIL AUGUST 1 - 20, 1999

  • SCJ Statistics 1999
  • Dehonians according to nation of origin
  • SCJ Statistics - Statistiques - Statistiche second trimester 1999 (Note at the request of a number of provinces the reporting system has changed from quarterly to three times a year.)
  • SCJ Statistics - Statistiques - Statistiche- for 1st Quarter 1999
  • Fourth Quarter Statistics

  • A table of scj life expectancy 1978-1999 (cf. SCJ Life Expectancy)


    The Christmas and New Year's Message from Fr. General 

    Letter Marking 75th Anniversary of SCJ Presence in the USA

    English | Italian | French
    A letter from Fr. General to the congregation on the situation in Congo (Zaire)  A letter from Fr. General dated June 1st
    English | Italian | French
    Spirituality and Apostolate and the Dehonian Family Letter for the Feast of the Sacred Heart: What are Prophetic Communities?
    English | Italian | French
    Letter from Zolile: Ongoing Formation Meetings
    English | Italian | French
    The letter from Tom Cassidy JUSTITIA ET PAX Letter on Mozambique as the 23rd Province 155th Anniversary of Fr. Dehon's Birthday (14.3.1998)  Letter to the Congregation on La Capelle (2.2.1998)

    1998 New Bishop Appointed  February 18, 1998

    English | Italian | French
  • SCJ Statistics - Statistiques - Statistiche 1998
  • SCJ Statistics - Statistiques - Statistiche 2nd Quarter 1998
  • Necrology

  • Complete (1878 - 1998)
    1998 with obituary


    1997 New Bishop Appointed December 24, 1997

    English | Italian | French
    1997 New General Councilor December 20, 1997
    English | Italian | French
    1997 Christmas Greetings from Fr. General
    Christmas Greetings in English
    Christmas Greetings in Italian
    Christmas Greetings in Spanish
    Christmas Greetings in French
    THE PLAN 1997-2003
