Edwin Rombach (GE) has informed us that the scjs at Neustadt have a homepage online explaining the mission of their community. It can be reached at http://www.Die-Pfalz.de/herzjesu.htm, and will be available at all times on the LINKS page.An explanation of the abbreviation codes used for provinces and regions has been posted. It can be accessed from the Documents & Letters page.
Finally, South Africa now has an official provincial email address (amprov@intekom.co.za). It has been added to the provincial email address list (cf. Links). Adam Musialek, provincial superior, in addition he announced the provincialate has moved from Durban Street to the Monastery on the Corner of Spyker and Young Street. The new mailing address is:
Provincial Office
P.O. Box 304
Aliwal North, 9750 [note this is the new postal code for Aliwal North]
South AfricaPhone: (0) 551-2189
Fax: (0) 551-41908
H. Wardjito (CU) reported on his recent trip to the Philippines and Indonesia, extending from January 15 through March 22, 1998. After a short visit to the Philippines to attend their annual scj gathering, he spent most of his time in his home province of Indonesia conducting the general consultation for a new provincial administration scheduled to take office on July 15 of this year.
Visiting 165 scjs spread out over four diocese on two islands (Java and Sumatra) was a time consuming task. It included sleeping in 31 different beds, visiting most of the religious houses, and personal interviews with 97 Indonesian scjs in final vows. The interview covered two basic questions: (1) In light of the recent General and Provincial Chapters, as well as our various scj documents, where do you see our province moving concerning religious life and the apostolate? (2) In light of your answer to #1: To whom (as well as why) would you entrust the leadership of the province? Why them and not others?The discussions proved very interesting.
Wardjito said: "I returned to Indonesia for the first time as a member of the general administration thinking to myself what Jesus once said: 'No prophet is accepted in his own country (Luke 4:24).' I left Indonesia feeling very much accepted by my fellow Indonesian scjs."
Fr. Yvon Sheehy (US), superior of the SCJ Community in South Dakota, and head of the pastoral team serving the Lower Brule and Crow Creek Reservations, would like to pass along the following invitation to all Provincials, former ESL students and alumni of the SCJ American Experience.
On Palm Sunday of 1923, Rev. Mathias Forhman, scj (from Luxembourg and a member of the German Province) began his mission among the Lakota (Sioux) Indians along the banks of the Missouri River at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Lower Brule, South Dakota, with stations at Fort George, Cedar Creek, LaRoche and Iron Nation. During that same year, Rev. John Emonts (GE) and Charles Prantauer (GE) were sent from the German Province to work on the Cheyenne River Reservation. Father Emonts become responsible for the Cheyenne River reservation with headquarters at Cheyenne agency and Fr. Prantauer resided at LaPlant with its mission of White Horse, Moreau and Promise. In the following year, two more missionaries, Rev. Henry Hogebach (GE) and Rev. Charles Keilman (GE) joined this band of missionaries. Fr. Hogebach was appointed their first Superior (Taken from A TALE OF TWO BEGINNINGS by Wayne Jenkins, scj US Province Archivist).
One of the earliest photos of German scjs in South Dakota An Invitation: 1998 will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Priests of the Sacred Heart in the United States. On September 15th an official celebration will take place with a Liturgy, dinner and special tour of Lower Brule. There will be an evening program as well. All this will take place at St. Mary's Church in Lower Brule on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation. There will be a supper on Monday, September 14th for those arriving early.
On the 16th and 17th of September there will be an opportunity to tour the rest of the SCJ Apostolates in South Dakota. Please let us know if you will be able to attend and your travel arrangements. The scjs in Lower Brule can be reached at (605) 473-5487, or (605) 473-54335 (parish office), or (605) 473-5433 (fax).
The Lower Brule mailing address is:
Catholic Pastoral Team
P.O. Box 185
Lower Brule, SD 57548
Irene McGregor is now online and would love to hear from scjs, especially those from Holland and Canada. She is a cousin of Jorge A. deJonge (more commonly known as Ko) and was his care giver in West Lorne, Ontario, especially during the last few years of his life when diabetes and age restricted his activities. Ko died two years ago on Holy Thursday (April 4, 1996). Her ties to the Dutch scjs go back to their arrival in Canada after World War II, and their efforts to established a pastoral care program for the many new Dutch Immigrants. She can be reached at: imcgregor@sympatico.ca.