SCJ World News |
The parish of St. Ana, Lavras, MG has a website. In contains a short history of the parish, reports on the activities and pastoral movements, as well as a section called "A Voz de Sant'Ana" (The Voice of St. Ana). Those who participated in the Lavras Vocation Conference (August 1999) will recall the liturgy marking the anniversary of Fr. Dehon's death (August 12th) shared with the people of the parish. The site will be added to our links page under BM (cf. Marcos António Alves de Lima (BS) has been appointed by his province to serve as coordinator of General Conference Preparations (to be held May 16 - 26, 2000 in Recife). He can be reached via email at .
As noted on our new introduction letter (cf. Welcome) the news page is now under a new title as we mark the 2nd anniversary of our presence on the world wide web.
Speaking of which, we have introduced a new look to mark our second anniversary. Along with the new look we have a new name for our news page. At the suggestion of a number of scjs we have changed the name from NEWS FROM ROME to SCJ WORLD NEWS, to more accurately reflect it's content and intent. More changes are in the works as we approach the Jubilee Year and a new millennium. For example, starting with the new year we will have a newly designed news access page which, we hope, will make it easier for you to access the news, as well as know when it has been posted to the site. As always your comments and suggestions are very helpful.
The Advent season is upon us. As our own way of preparation for the season we will be presenting several Advent - Christmas images created by Herman Falke an scj living and creating in our Anglo Canadian Province. He is a member of the Ottawa SCJ Community. He is a recognized artist not only in Canada, but internationally as well. These images will appear at the end of our news page.His work will in a sense be the second scj artist to be featured on our website. Recall the whimsical images of Gianquinto Regazzoni drawn last summer during his ESL (English as a Second language) program in Hales Coners, WI. It would be nice to feature other artists from around the congregation from time to time. How many are out there I often wonder..........?
your editorPope John Paul II sent a message to the participants of the 43rd congress of Settimana sociale dei cattolici italiani (organized by the Italian Episcopal Conference) meeting in Naples on November 16th. The full text of the Pope's message can be found (in Italian) on the Vatican's web site at: You will find it in the Vatican News Service Section. This information was provided to us by:Antonio Cuomo (IM)Fr. General thanks the many members of the dehonian family who offered their prayers and letters of sympathy to him and his family on the death of his mother (November 19, 1999). He is currently with his family and will return to Rome on December 5th (Cf. Letter of 26 November).
Stefan Tertünte continues his commentary on Dehon's, Roman lectures just before the turn of the century. Tertünte write that: Although the nine lectures, given by Leo Dehon in Rome between 1897 and 1900 (published in 1900 as 'The Christian Social Renewal') are not all of the same quality and don't constitute a unified work, we encounter in these lectures 'the whole Dehon' &emdash; at least with regard to his social commitment(Cf. Dehon's Roman Lectures Part II).
In this weeks excerpt from Selections from Father Dehon's Diary, Fr. Dehon spends his final days in the US visiting Niagara falls and then moves on to Canada, with his first stop being Toronto. It is good to note that even a veteran traveler like Fr. Dehon makes mistakes once in a while: There was a tremendous crowd at the station, and no end to the trains and the announcements over the megaphone. People were pushing one another and getting on where they could. I got on the wrong train, but I was able to get off at the next station which was less crowded, and soon I was on the train bound for Toronto. Read on (cf. Niagara - Toronto).![]()
Annunciation (1996)©
From Spirit and Life in Sculpture
Herman Falke, scj