SCJ World News |
In preparation for the Meeting on Education, we are posting to the new Education section an article by Fr. Joseph Meyer-Schene from our German Province entitled Pater Leo Dehon als Erzieher. The text is available in German and Portuguese. Fr. Meyer-Schene is an expert in education and has published books and articles on education.We hope to post new articles to the website biweekly. If an educator wish to translate these articles in local languages, we will gladly post them, and other scjs will be very grateful. Please send them in electronic format to,
From Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (CU)From Justice and Peace comes Observation Report on the Gubernatorial Elections in the State of Chiapas, Mexico, August 20, 2000 by International Service for Peace (SIPAZ) Delegation.In this week's Meet an SCJ we present the second vocation story from young scjs in the Cameron starting this one is from Alban Pascal Noudjom Tchana.
From CanadaMaurice Légaré (CGA) was kind enough to forward this photo from the Canadian SCJ assembly held at Arnprior, August 20-23, 2000 (Cf. News for the week of August 26th).
From India
Leonard Zaworski (IND) has posted new photos to the Indian District Website. He has also added a new section called Photo Album. You can check it out at:
Form Italy
Lino Pedron (IS), superior of Scula Apostolica di Albino, has begun to offer via the Internet commentary on the Gospels from the weekday lectionary for the large Italian community living and working in Germany. Written in Italian they can be found at or also at .
by Tobia Bassanelli (IS)Note: The North Italian SCJ Province has several scjs in Germany serving the pastoral needs of the Italian Community living in Germany.From Indonesia
Rein van Leeuwen (IN) noted that on our congratulation list published last week that we missed Johannes van Kampen who celebrates his 50th anniversary of first vows made September 8, 1950.
From South Brazil and Germany
Herz-Jesus Kloster (Handrup, Germany)Putting into practice a proposal from the General Conference at Recife concerning the sharing of personnel in the spirit of We the Congregation in Service to Mission, the South Brazilian Province (BM) approved at its July provincial assembly, held in Varginha, to send two confreres to work in Germany. This decision answers a request from GE made many times to BM. Jacinto Weizenmann (43) and Valdir Alberto Müller (31) will be the first Brazilian SCJs to work in Germany, almost 100 years after German scjs arrived in South Brazil (1903). They will be working in Handrup where the German Province operates a school.
by Odilo Leviski (BM)Note: Fr. Joseph Meyer-Schene, who's article on education appears this week, was headmaster at Handrup for many years.
assistant general secretaryFrom the US -- Food for Thought
On a recent trip I saw in an airline catalogue a limited print with a quote done by Carlos Santana, the singer/musician. The quote could be well used by us in reference to the Heart of Jesus and the global community or globalization. Here it is:
by Jim Schroeder (US)
+ Fr Joseph Adam EFborn: 06.10.1918
first profession: 24.09.1937
ordained: 16.06.1944
died: 02.09.200 in Luxembourg
In the thirteenth in our series from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, we present excerpts from a letter by From Fr. Alfredo Paul Phillipot to Fr. Falleur He entered the novitiate on February 20, 1880, and made his first profession on September 14. 1881."M. Lebreton has notified me of your note of ingratitude. I probably deserve it because you are the judge. For me, so poor of Spirit and Heart, it is so difficult to respond to your friendship in a note of ingratitude. Be that as it may, believe that in my heart I often hold the thought of Fr. Stanislaus who with all his duties teaches the deaf mute children. You accepted the treasurer's office as a penance....