SCJ World News |
11 November 2000
Antonio Cuomo (IM) has asked us to add the URL link for the organization Laici Terzo Mondo (LTM). This organization founded by the South Italian Province promotes lay missionaries for the third world, especially where scjs are present. The site has been added to our links page under the South Italian Province banner. In addition we are providing here the change of address for Fr. Cuomo as well as the complete address for Gruppo Laicie Terzo Mondo.P. Antonio Cuomo scj
Centro di apostolato P. Dehon
Via Marechiaro,42
80123 NapoliTel. 0817691852
padreanto@libero.itGruppo Laici Terzo Mondo
Via. A. Depretis, 62
80133 Napoli
ltm@interfree.itTel. 081.551.41.47
Fax 081.551.70.67We are posting to the Education Section this week an article published by The Congregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions) entitled: The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium. It is available in English, French, Spanish, German , Portuguese and Italian.
In this week's Meet and SCJ we present Mário Maestri from the South Brazilian Province. He was born in Botuverá, Santa Catarina, and ordained in 1974. His most recent assignment was to the parish of Santa Inês, in Maranhão.
CongratulationsOn November 1, 2000, in the parish church of Our Lady of Fatima in Ambohimirary, Madagascar, five scjs of the Region of Madagascar (MAD) made their final vows. It also marked the 25th anniversary of SCJ presence in Madagascar. Both Fr. General and Zolile Mpambani (CU), councilor responsible for Africa, were present for the celebrations as it took place during the closing days of their pastoral visit.
Behold I have come to do your will
O God. (He. 10:7)
25 Years
of SCJ Presence
in MadagascarPreputial Vows of:
Fra. Yvon Mathieu
Fra. Fidèle Ramarolahy
Fra. Rolland M. N. Raveloson
Fra. Justin Razafindrakoto
Fra. Gabriel Ch. D. Rahavonolona
Parish of Our Lady of Fatima
Ambohimirary, 1 November 2000Remembering
For November 2nd, All Souls Day Claudio Siebenaler (CU) prepared a short display recounting the history of the scj congregational cemetery plots. The first plot was acquired in late 1899 upon the death of a young French Scholastic.
In addition Adriano Borst (NE), congregational archivist, prepared an elencus of those who lived here at the generalate (Rome I & II) since it moved from Cristo Re to Via Casale either as students or members of the curia and staff. He has tried to be as complete as possible, but knows full well some names may have been inadvertently left off. If you have any additions to make to this list please email the pertinent information to him at: .
Dehonian Family Photo
Thanks to Evaristo Martínez de Alegria (HI) for passing on this photo of the dehonian family taken during their October meeting.
Dehonian Family Meeting October 8-13, 2000
Generalate, Rome ItalyComings & Goings
Fr. General returned from his pastoral visit to Madagascar on November 4, 2000 and departed with Umberto Chiarello (CU) for their visit to Belgium. Zolile Mpambani (CU) who accompanied Fr. General in his visit to Madagascar is spending a few days in his native South African and will return to Rome on November 19th. Hadrianus Wardjito (CU) continues in his visit to India. Riszard Mis (CU) returned form his visit to the German Province to attend their fall assembly.
Rome I & II communities also said goodbye for a while to Egidio Driedonkx (CH) who is making his annual three month visit back to his home province in Chile where he serves as their province archivist. While in Rome Egidio is involved in dehonian research. His province has published many of his studies. Currently our website is running his study on letters to and from the first scj novices (cf. Letters from the First Novices).
Aquilino Mielgo Domínguez (HI), provincial of the Spanish Province, is in Rome visiting members of his province studying in Rome. He is also here to speak with Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (CU) about plans for next July's Dehon Education Conference in Salamanca.
Carlos Frick Interviews Jean Garrity ESL Instructor
Jean Garrity is one of the full-time instructors in the ESL Program (English as a Second Language) held at the Sacred Heart Monastery/Sacred Heart School of Theology in Hales Corners, Wisconsin.
This summer, Jean finished her first year working with the SCJs in the English teaching program. Since last year, Jean has gained some experience about the meaning of the ESL Program offered by our brothers from the US Province. This is Jean's second summer course in ESL, she has worked with several SCJs from different places in this year's program.
What follows is an interview Carlos did with Jean in September (CF.Interview with Jean Garrity).
+Fr. Karel Louis de Bouvère (NE) born : 15-/11/1918 in Leidschendam
first profession: 08/09/1938
ordained: 19/03/1943
died: 02/11/2000 in Nijmegen, Netherlands.After his ordination Fr. Karel studied Mathematics and Physics at the University of Amsterdam. From 1953 to 1957 he taught at Bergen op Zoom. From 1957 to 1959 he did research in Amsterdam graduating with a Ph.D. in Physics. From 1959 up to 1961 he continued studying this time at the University of California at Berkeley. In 1961 he joined the research team of the "European Community for Atomic Energy", at the University of Amsterdam, a position he held until 1965.
In 1965 he was appointed professor at Santa Clara University, in California. He retired in 1992 but kept serving the students and colleagues of that university. An expert in his field, Fr. Karel wrote many articles and books on the subjects of mathematics and physics.
On May 1999 he came back to Netherlands joining the community of retired religious at Saint Joseph in Nijmegen. Since January until his death he has been of great help in the house of St. Joachim and St. Ann in Nijmegen.
In the twenty-first in our series from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, we present the fourth letter in Correspondence Received. It is another letter sent in by Fr. Paris to the novice Falleur.I have been wanting to write you to tell you how happy I was to receive your letter. I have made the resolution, after having read the letter, to repeat at least 100 times a day, in union with you "Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, our Love" or the phrase "Heart of Jesus, I hope in you".