SCJ World News |
Leonard Zaworski (IND) wrote recently to inform us that the SCJ Indian website has been updated with new photos (cf. our Meet an SCJ page we begin featuring young members of our South African Province. This week we feature Innocent Mabheka, currently a theology student at the Cedara Inter-Religious Institute.
Adam Musialek, provincial superior, was kind enough to provide us with a brief history of scj presence in South Africa (cf. Priests of the Sacred Heart South Africa).
Wardjito (CU) has forwarded a copy of THE SITUATION IN AMBON / MOLUCCAS -- Report no. 20, published by the Crisis Center of the Diocese of Ambonia.
Rein van Leeuwen (IN) send in this correction to his email address which should read:, and not "" as it has been appearing on our links page.
GermanyThis photo is taken from the current website of our German Province ( reporting on the final meeting of Fr. General and Richard Mis (CU) with the provincial council at the close of Fr. General's visitation to the German Province. For those able to read German other happenings in the province can be found under the section Summer-Highlights.
Fr. General and Ryszard Mis final meeting with German SCJ Provincial Council at Freiburg: (from left to right) P. Lau / Freiburg, P. Weihermann (Übersetzer) / Brasilien, P. Coldehoff / Neustadt, P. Mis / Rome, P. P. Hülsmann (provincial superior)/ Bonn, P. General / Rome, P. Hamelijnck / Handrup, P. Flatau / Martental
British - Irish Province
David Marsden, who has just graduated from Milltown with a 2:1 in Theology is to take the next step of his journey as an SCJ in India. Dave recieved the ministry of Acolyte at Malpas on Monday. This is the last step in ministry before ordination to the Diaconate. At the same time it was announced that from September to April Dave will be working in our Indian Mission, helping with the formation of some of the candidates. At the same time he will be preaparing for his own final profession of vows next year. Please keep Dave in your prayers that his journeys, both inner and outer, will be very fruitful.
from BH WebsiteUS SCJ Schools in Collaboration
The seven scj elementary schools recently published a Student Literary and Visual Arts Magazine, Anthony Russo (US) explained the scope of the project in his introductory remarks:
For almost two years SCJ Schools in Collaboration has been functioning. It came about after school principals attended a Mission Education Conference in Hales Corners, Wisconsin in the Spring of 1998. They approached me about the possibility of beginning dialogue and discussion with principals from other schools sponsored or staffed by SCJs. I thought their request was a good one for several reasons.
Fr. Leo John Dehon established as one of his first ministries a Catholic School, St. John's in San Quentin, France, where he founded the religious order the Priests of the Sacred Heart. The SCJs in the US established Catholic schools when they began their ministries both in South Dakota and Mississippi. St. Martin of Tours in Franklin, Wisconsin, was reopened when the SCJs began their service there some 25 years ago. the SCJs in Houston have provided both Our Lady of Guadalupe and Holy Name Schools with financial resources to provide their children with tuition aid since the 1980s. Recently, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School was opened by the SCJs.
The Priests of the Sacred Heart have their mission history and values flowing from the initial inspiration of their founder, Fr. Leo John Dehon, which they see as important to share with those who participate and collaborate with them in ministry. The ministry of Catholic school education has always been an important ministry.
I would like to commend the seven schools and early childhood programs:
The magazine [Voices of Children] is a true first... it is the first time many of its young authors have been published, the first time many of its young artis have been on display, and most important, the first time the seven schools sponsored or staffed by the Priests of the Sacred Heart have collaborated on a project.
- St. Joseph's Indian School in South Dakota
- Holy Family School and Holy Family Early Childhood, Mississippi
- Sacred Heart School, Mississippi
- Our Lady of Guadalupe, Texas
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Texas
- Seeds and Holy Name School, Texas
- St. Martin of Tours School, Wisconsin
Anthony P. Russo
Director-Dehon Affiliates
Spring 2000A limited number of copies are available through the US Provincial Office:
Provincial Office
P.O. Box 289
Hales Corners, WI 43130-0289
Stefan Tertünte reflects this week on St. John's College taking excerpts from "Trait d'Union - Bulletin de Guerre" published by the Association of the Alumni of St. John:During World War I, in Saint Quentin the institution St. John suffered significant damage. From 1915 to 1919 the Association of the Alumni of St. John published the "Trait d'Union - Bulletin de Guerre" including many documents on the history of St. John during this period, letters, necrologies etc. The first meeting of the association after the war in Saint Quentin was held on November 23, 1919. Fr. Dehon took part in it. Here the report in the bulletin:
In the seventh in our series from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, we present short excerpts from three letters written between Christmas Eve, 1878 and April 12, 1879.