03 November 2001
CameroonAs of October 27th the telephone numbers of houses in Cameroon were changed. Numbers beginning in "4" added an initial "3" and numbers beginning in "2" added an initial "2". Please make note of the following:
Nkongsamba (Maison Religieuse/Provincial House):
tel: 349.1326Baafoussam: 344.24.09
fax: 349.25.28Yaondé - Residence: 221.69.38
Yaondé - Elig-Edzoa: 221.59.76Mfou: 223.66.25
NB The country code remains the same: 237
The South Italian Province (IM) held an ongoing formation program October 8-13 on the theme "After Recife". A report on that conference was recently published in Italian and is available here at: Il dopo Recife.
Starting on Monday with the first "New Provincials School" the major superiors [provincial, regional and district] from around the congregation will be meeting in Rome at the General Curia. We hope to be able to bring you several updates during the course of their deliberations. The General Finance Commission will hold their fall meeting at this time as well and will participate in the general gathering for a session or two of sharing and dialogue. Following the meeting of major superiors will be the Mission Animators Assembly.
There is no additional facts to report in the kidnapping of Father Giuseppi Piarantoni (IND). Please keep him and his family in your prayers as you pray for his speedy release.
We are posting the last address give at the Dehonian Educators Conference held last July in Salamanca, Spain. Next week we'll be the last posting.
Speeches -- Séptima Ponencia: El Religioso Educador (Retos que le plantea su misión) por el Hno. Juan Antonio Ojeda, fscStatisticsWe are posting to the Letters and Documents Page Congregational Statistics as of August 31, 2001.
CanadaHerman Falke (CA) a well known scj artist recently completed a sculpture done in memory of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, at the Twin Towers in New York. He passed along a photo of the "September 11, 2001" wood carving.
Argentina - Uruguay
The Superior General with the consent of his council has appointed the following as members of provincial council to serve during the first term (November 1, 2001) of Juan Carlos Cerin, provincial superior.
- Fr. Eufrqasio Clerici
- Fr. Guillermo Augustin Exner
- Fr. Gianquinto Regazzoni
- Fr. Atilio Luis Bruno
In a letter from the Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Claudio Siebenaler (CU), procurator to the Holy See and secretary of the Luxembourg embassy to the Holy See, was informed that, His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of the Duchy of Luxembourg has named him Chevalier [Knight] of the Order of Merit of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Fr. General presented the medal of the Order of Merit to him in a recent gathering of the general curia.
José Luis Dominguez, Juan José Arnaiz and Francisco Javier Molina, from the Spanish province, ordained to the priesthood on November 3rd in Salamanca.
South Brazil
On October 31st, the Minister of Education of Brazil was at Taubaté to sign the official act recognizing theology as official course, according to a new law recently approved by Brazilian Government. You can read more in FACULDADE DEHONIANA in Portuguese, English, French and Italian.
In February 2002, will be our 78th year of theological studies in Taubaté, São Paulo, Brazil. To seal this day, and perpetuate our endeavors, our BM Province entered a petition for Government approval of a Superior School of Theology (Faculty). The Minister of Education has heard our reasons. Up until now we have functioned as a Theological Institute.
The Instituto Teológico SCJ was a free course of Theology. The Catholic Church gave her approval through the Congregation for Catholic Education, as we established affiliation with the PUC (Catholic Pontifical University) of Rio de Janeiro (doc. Prot. nº 71/80). We are one of the first catholic schools of theology in Brazil to enter with the petition to the Government (MEC: Ministry of Education and Culture)
Brazilian Government recognized us under the name FACULDADE DEHONIANA as of October 31, 2001 with the presence of the Brazilian Ministry of Education. In 2002 we will start the first group to be officially recognized by the Government (MEC).
United States
Last week's Fridge Notes contained an article, What is it like to "hear" a hand?, from the September 21st issue of San Antonio's Today's Catholic about the work of Fr. Guy Blair with the deaf community in San Antonio, TX. Hs has spent most of his time since ordination in 1982 working the deaf in various parts of the US and Canada. He has been featured here several times as the artist collaborator on two children's books about and for the deaf.
"What is it like to 'hear' a hand? You have to be deaf to understand!" Thus begins a poem written by deaf poet Willard J. Madsen. It was given to me when I visited Father Guy Blair, SCJ, who was recently assigned to San Francesco di Paola Church in San Antonio to work with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministry. The poem offers hearing people an insight into the everyday lives of those who cannot hear. Although he is not deaf, Father Blair has dedicated his years in the priesthood to trying to bridge the gap between the hearing community and the deaf community in the Catholic Church. But the inspiration he gains from deaf people began long before his seminary days.
From Fridge Notes
TENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FROM ST. JOHN'SThe minutes from the gatherings of 1890-1892 were also lost. From 1893 only one typewritten page was conserved:
+Fr. Josef Zinzius GEborn : 14.07.1909
first profession: 15.08.1935
ordained: 03.02.1940
died: 26.10.2001 at Fürstenau![]()
+Br. Francis Miller US
born: 18.09.1929
first profession: 19.03.1948
died: 26.10.2001 Franklin, WIBr. Frank Miller, SCJ, died this morning (October 26) from cancer. He had just returned from the hospital a few days earlier and was in hospice care at Villa Maria.
Originally from Chippewa Falls, Wis., Br. Frank, 72, professed his first vows with the Priests of the Sacred Heart on March 19, 1948. As did many early members of the province, Br. Frank spent his initial years of formation in Ste. Marie, Ill. It was there that he made his final profession in 1951.
Br. Frank often served as a support person in the SCJs' apostolates around the country and, around the world. Soon after his first profession, he was at Sacred Heart Monastery in Hales Corners, Wis., doing farm and maintenance work. He did the same back at the novitiate in Ste. Marie and at the SCJs' Kilroe Seminary in Honesdale, Pa.
It was while he was serving at Kilroe that Br. Frank volunteered for overseas ministry. From 1968 to 1970, he served as a missionary in Zaire (now Congo).
When he returned, he was assigned to St. Joseph's Indian School in Chamberlain, S.D., where he continued to assist with maintenance needs. While there, he also practiced his photography skills, often taking pictures for St. Joe's development office. Following his time in South Dakota, Br. Frank spent several years working at St. Joseph's Retreat Center in Baileys Harbor, Wis.
In 1990, he began ministry to the community's senior members, first in Pinellas Park, Fla., and then at Villa Maria in Franklin, Wis. Remaining with the Villa Maria community, he retired from ministry in 1998.