08 December 2001
Mission SecretariesWe are posting to the Letters & Documents page the text of the message from the scj mission secretaries published at the conclusion of their meeting held in Rome from November 19-23, 2001.
We, the secretaries, procurators, animators and representatives of the SCJ missions, convened here in Rome by the General Administration, at the Curia General, from the 19th -- 23rd November 2001, to dialogue about the missionary situation in the Institute and verify, in view o the Dehonian missionary plan for the third millennium, appreciate everything that the missionaries, with faith, generosity and sacrifice, have done for the Church and for the Institute. Despite the difficulties we come across, our missionary commitment is constant. All the missions express the commitment towards a personnel and economic sufficiency. At the moment not all can and not all succeed in realizing that, but it is something that we need to lean towards.
An Invitation from the USG
Our secretariat of Justice & Peace in Rome has passed on the invitation from the Union of Superiors General to take up the call of Pope John Paul II for a Day of Fasting on December 14th and a Day of Payer in January 24th for peace.
As leaders of Roman Catholic religious congregations of Brothers and Priests active in nearly all countries of the world, we wholeheartedly associate ourselves with the call of the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, to pray and to work for peace and mutual understanding among religions. In particular, we call on the members of our religious institutes to participate fully in the Day of Fasting on December 14 and the Day of Prayer on January 24, which have been proposed by the Holy Father.
Portuguese Language Edition.
While we hope to be able to continue the Portuguese edition while Odilo Leviski from the office of the secretary general is on vacation, please be prepared for possible glitches. If you do not find the Portuguese edition, please try one of the other languages.
CongratulationsTo the following deacons from the South Brazilian Province ordained to the priesthood in Brazil on December 8, 2001:
Waldomiro Lúcio Tardivo Filho and Emerson Marcel Ruiz ordained by Bishop Vital Chitolina, scj, bishop of Parantinga in the parish of São Vicente de Paulo, Cianorte, PR..
João Veloso Arantes and Maraco Antonio Rodrigues ordained by Bishop Antonio Wagner da Silva, scj, auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Guarapuava, PR., in the parish of São Vicente de Ferrer, Formega, MG.
Fr. General and Fr. Tom Cassidy returned from their visit to the British - Irish Province. Next week will be the last week of meetings for the general council's fall term. Members of the general council will begin visits to various parts of the congregation for the next three months.
The minutes read: "On this day, August 8th, we recall different moments of the College. A group of young people blows by us. You can read the joy that is on their faces. Emotions reign in all of their hearts. This is truly a feast of gratitude and friendship. This family spirit unites old and new, young and elders, even the living and deceased. For all, it is an emotional memory; for the most worthy there is a sense of admiration, for the deceased a fervent prayer and tears of friendship are shed.NB We apologize for forgetting to add this section to last week's news page.
+ Fr. Johannes Theodorus van Vught NE
Born: 17.03.1926
First profession: 08.09.1946
Ordained: 20.07.1953
Died: 26.11.2001 at Gravenhage, HollandAfter ordination Fr. Jan was sent to work at the minor seminary of Bergen op Zoom, where he severed as teacher, formation director and superior. From 1967 to 1973 was an exciting period for him as chaplain at Boerhavekliniek and while at the same time he earned his doctorate in law. From 1973 to 1981, both difficult and beautiful years, again as a chaplain, this time at Mesdagkliniek. On September 1981 he became chief of chaplains in a judicial institution which belonged to the Ministry of Justice. After his retirement, in 1986, he became a member of the Commission on Consultation for Extra Communitarian Affairs. At the end of 1996, he left this service. He was a very esteemed member of the Foundation Johannesstichting and many times he served as a member of the SCJ Provincial Conference. He also received a Decoration of the Order of Orange Nassau.