12 May 2001
Justice & PeaceTo the Justice & Peace page we are posting an article from the Pontifical Council for Justice & Peace: From Debt to Poverty Reduction -- The Role of the Church. The article is in English, other translations may be available on the Vatican website at http://www.vatican.va/ .
We are posting to the Salamanca Dehonian Education Conference page an article by Robert Prelot Popular Education in St. Quentin, it is available in both French and Portuguese.
We are also posting the last of the Yves Ledure (EF) articles (in French) on Fr. Dehon as an educator.
Education et Spiritualité du Cúur du Christ
ArchivesIn the latest Notiziario dell'archivo (Anno 1 #4) published by Juan Domingo Griffone (AU) he takes note of the fact of the 87 documents on Fr. Dehon recently found in France 19 are letters to Fr. Dehon: 12 from L. Harmel written between 1882 and 1901 and 1 probably written to Dehon in 1911; one is from Fr. Champions, date unknown; and four are from Tiberghien written in 1897, and another possibly from Tiberghien to Fr. Dehon.
Of the 18 letters from Fr. Dehon, four are to Lemire written between 1898 and 1900; two to Birot written between October and November 1900; and 12 to Tiberghien written between 1897 and 1919.
N.B. After working for over 10 years in the scj mission in the Philippines Juan Domingo Griffone is spending a year here in Rome assisting in the archives, before returning to the province of Argentina-Uruguay. He's working primarily on putting congregational publications in order. He reports that a computer index of the first 50 magazines of the congregation has been completed by number, title, province and year.
Our webmaster in Helsinki, Finland, Zdzislaw Huber, sent along this photo of an outing he and a group of young Fins recently took part in. Like all those who put the scj web site together he is involved in many other activities. Among other things, he serves as a pastoral assistant at the parish of St. Mary's in Helsinki, assists in diocesan communications and is currently the scj regional treasurer. These and other duties sometimes make it difficult to get our newspage posted on time! So our motto is simply: Please be patient!
North Italy
"GIORNATA PROVINCIALE IS" A TRENTO On May 1, 2001, the North Italian province held its annual Fraternity Day. The day is open to all members of the province and this year was held at the new Casa Sacre Cuore di Villazzano di Trento (Sacred Heart House of Vilazzano).
It was a beautiful day that saw about 80 scjs from all over the province participating along with Fr. Luigi Mostarda, provincial superior, and Umberto Chiarello, who represented the general administration.
This year highlighted the 1930 arrival of scjs in Trento. According to Fr. Franceschetti the founder wanted us to establish a house dedicated to the Sacred Heart in Trento. This house formed the basis of our presence and was followed by S. Giuliana di Levico (a vacation house and vocation center) and then by two parishes, Sacre Cuore and Madonna Bianca.
To put this all in perspective. We began the day at Sacre Cuore Parish with a presentation by Fr. Provincial, an explanation of the reconstruction of Sacre Cuore House by the local superior and finally greetings by Fr. Chiarello on behalf of Fr. General and his council. Mass was then celebrated at Madonna Bianca parish and the day ended with a grand pranzo at Villa Ferrari reconstituted as Casa Sacre Cuore. In point of fact, the old Casa Sacre Cuore on Via Chini was sold because it was too large and ill suited to take care of vocation groups. The new Casa Sacre Cuore (ex villa Ferrari) is located on a hill above the city of Trento in a beautiful location. It offers a magnificent panorama of the city and offers ample grounds for groups. The interior of the old villa was also renovated and renamed Casa Sacre Cuore.
The house is a center for vocation ministry and welcoming youth groups coming primarily from Veneto, Lombardia, Emilia and the region around Trento.
During our Fraternity Day we prayerfully remembered all our fellow scjs, particularly the ill (Bolognano our house for the infirm is not far from Trento) and via Fr. Chiarello, we especially sent our best wishes to our superior general who celebrated his birthday on May 1st.
On May 1st the Rome I & II Communities celebrated the 59th birthday of our superior general Fr. Virginio Bressanelli (CU). The day was capped off by a community gathering at which members of the Rome II Community presented their own version of RAI Uno's 8:00 PM News!
Vatican City
In the Annuario Pontificio 2001 on page 1026 can be found the listing of the members of the Consiglio Per I Raporti Tra La Congregazione E Le Unioni Internazionnali Dei Superiori E Delle Superiore Generali. This commission is sometimes referred to as the Council of 18, as it is composed of 8 superior generals from men's communities and 8 from women religious. Our own superior general has been appointed to this commission which is under the Congregation for the Evanglization of Peoples.
[picture taken in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1956]
+Fr. Aloysius Voorhuyzen (NE)
born: 09.05.1916
first profession: 08.09.1937
ordained: 18.07.1943
died: 02.05.2001 at Neepelt, BelgiumBorn in Amsterdam on May 9, 1916, he made his first vows in the congregation at Asten on September 8, 1937, and was ordained a priest at Nijimegen on July 8, 1943. After ordination he worked primarily at Nijimegen until the end of September 1945. He then worked in our Amsterdam SFL (St. Frances of Assisi) social ministry until July 1946. On July 13,1946 he left Holland for the scj region of Argentina and Uruguay where he worked until 1961. During that period he was superior of our community in Montevideo (Uruguay) from 1954 until 1960.
He returned to Europe in January 1961 and served until September of that year as pastoral minister to the hospitals at Dijkzicht and Rotterdam. Then he served as an assistant in the Stella Maris at Rotterdam (Apostolate to the Sea). His knowledge of Spanish was most helpful in this ministry. In 1963 he was transferred to Delft and became an assistant in the scj parish of the Immaculate Conception.
In 1981 he was assigned to the provincial community at Breda and lived in Neepelt, Belgium from then until his death. In fact, in the parish of Neepelt-Grote Heide he served as an assistant pastor. He lived with Fr. Tjeu Coninx, msc, in the parish rectory where they shared their work, joys and sorrows. On more than one occasion Fr. Louis gave proof that he never lost interest in the work going on in Argentina-Uruguay.
His funeral was celebrated at the parish of Our lady of the Poor in Grote Heide-Neepelt, Belgium on May 7, 2001. He was buried in our scj cemetery at Asten.