30 June 2001

What's New?


We are adding a page on India to this week's mission section in preparation for the November meeting of mission secretaries to be held at the Generalate upon the conclusion of the meeting of SCJ Major Superiors.

Justice & Peace

In April the general superior sent a letter to all major superiors announcing the International Meeting of SCJ Promoters of Justice and Peace to be held in Montreal, Canada from October 1 - 15, 2002. This letter has been added to our letters and documents section.


The congregational statistics as of April 30, 2001, have also been added to the letters and documents section. They show a membership of 2,287 a decline of four members from the same time last year.

What's Happening?

British-Irish Province

Chris Jenkins sent his first of, we hope, a number of reports from the Ongoing Formation Program sponsored by the BH Province in conjunction with the general administration. This year's program is being done in English under the theme: "JOURNEY OF RECONCILIATION". Today's reflection is by Moretti Giuseppe (IS).


Eleven years ago the missionary association Cuore Amico fraternità, based in Brescia (Italy) instituted the Premio Cuore Amico award (Friendly Heart Award) to Italian missionaries, sort of a Nobel Peace prize, for missionaries in recognition of their exceptional work in third world countries. The prize is awarded annually to a priest, sister and lay person for their outstanding achievements.

In a letter sent to the provincial superior of the North Italian Province the association awarded the 2001 prize (of 100 million lira) for a priest to Fr. Aldo Marchesini for his tireless work on behalf of those who suffer.

Cuore Amico - Fraternità Onlus has its own website (www.cuoreamico.org).

from Paolo Gazzotti,
Provincial Secretary IS


With the close of the Roman academic year the following students at the International College have been awarded their degrees upon completion of their studies and will return to their respective provinces.

  • Fr. Izau Cavalcante (BS) - Gregoriana - Dogmatic Theology
  • Dn. José Luis Domínguez (HI) - Teresianum - Spirituality
  • Fr. Slawomir Knopik (PO) - Salesianum - Pastoral Theology
  • Dn. Juan José Arnaiz (HI) - Claretianum - Theology of Religious Life
NB All but Izau Cavalcante will journey to the US for a second summer of ESL (English as a Second Language) before returning to their provinces. We also note that Juan José Arzaiz has been serving as our web page Spanish language translator for the last year while completing his studies in Rome. At the end of the summer we are in need of a 'volunteer' to replace him.

United States

Fr. General attended the US Election Assembly (June 25 -29,2001) and returned to Rome for a short stay before heading this week to South Brazil to begin a two month pastoral visit to the province and its regions. We will publish the new US provincial administration once it is confirmed by the general superior and his council.